> Are we going to continue arguing about "I heard on Fox News that climate change is a hoax" until Miami is a ch

Are we going to continue arguing about "I heard on Fox News that climate change is a hoax" until Miami is a ch

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably, considering how idiotic Fox News is and the amount of followers they have. It almost seems as if America is slowly just becoming slaves to the media without actually doing the research and developing their own opinions and ideas. People need to start realizing that we are destroying our own planet and the future of Earth will be non-existent if we don't start making changes.

As the years go by and people are more and more adversely affected by man-made climate change you will see less and less of that, but the question is whether the deniers will hinder action until something like you're suggesting does come about. I don't really know, stupidity combined with money is a powerful force in the United States. Even today you'll still see people trying to convince us that cigarette smoke undergoes some miraculous transformation when inhaled and then exhaled that makes it non-toxic. Sure, everyone admits by now that it causes cancer and emphysema in the smoker, but no, secondhand smoke does nothing to the people that inhale that.

What's more these people tell us how addressing climate change will devastate the economy, while saying nothing about the vastly greater sums that are spent year in year out on unneeded defense. If something like a carbon tax were implemented it would probably be smaller than the variations we already see in the price of oil.

First, you are talking about the rise of the oceans, which are rising at a rate of around 3 mm/year. So your "Miami is a chain of islands" crap is nothing more that assinine scare-mongering with no scientific backing.

Second, 2014 is only "on track" to be the hottest year on record in SOME datasets. Others still have 1998 as the hottest year.

Third, the hottest year is not really the concern. If every year is 0.01 degrees hotter, than we will be out of fossil fuels before we ahve to worry about the global temperature creating any real problems. So the real concern is the RATE of temp increase, which indicates we have some time to work a good solution.

Fourth, your solutions are atrocious. Lets talk about some idiot "solutions" agree to because of the assinine scare-mongering of warmers.

Ethanol mandate. We you scaremongerers PRETEND that we are all going to starve because of AGW, the crop production has been increasing faster than population for quite some time. BUT, while you ACT concerned about starvation, you institute an idiotic policy that has us using 4.9 billion bushel of corn a year to produce ethanol. And the CO2 reduction from this absurdity??? NOTHING. Indeed with envirnuts trying to oulaw all forms of pesticide, I too get concerned that we will nto be able to feed ourselves, but my concern hasw NOTHING to do with AGW.

Taxation. This seems to be your number 1 go to resolution. Tax Tax Tax. Except, you NEVER say how MUCH you want to tax. Why? Because you know very well that the amount of taxation needed to make a signifcant change would anger every normal American.

Fifth, things ar ebeing done. You absurdly act as if nothing is happening, when it most certianly IS. the US CO2 production has leveled off and even started decreasing. Solar power has consistently been reducing in cost and will soon be competitive with coal. And when that happens, look out. Its the same with the personal computers. Once they got down to a certain price level, sales skyrocketed. Look at the sales of solar panels and you will notice an almost exponential growth trend that WILL continue.

And who is against nuclear power use? Cause it is not the conservatives.

Denialists in Miami will get snorkels and still argue that global warming is a hoax, even when it is under water.

Raisin Caine

And what makes you think sea level rise can't be hundreds of times faster? Do you have a time machine? A crystal ball? The number of the Psychic Hot Line? Or did you finally get computer models to work?

Can you name one climatologist who is against nuclear power?



Unless you can answer a few scientific questions from the criminally hacked emails, no they haven't.

What do the emails say about

1. CO2 is a greenhouse gas? http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissio...

2. The laws of thermodynamics? http://physics.about.com/od/thermodynami...

3. Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing? http://co2now.org/


4. This CO2 is due to the combustion of fossil fuels? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/200...

5. The Earth's temperature is increasing? http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs...

6. Natural factors which influence climate would be cooling the Earth if not for anthropogenic CO2? http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp...

If Americans had *any* idea of what is going on in Italy right now.........the climate change debate would be OVER.

Half of Italy is under water.

Go to Youtube and search "Alluvione Genoa 2014" Alluvione means flood.

and there are HUNDREDS of these videoes from all over Italy. Cities under water.........stores with water 6 feet high. HUNDREDS of cars washed away like tinker toys.............

not a PEEP about any of this on American news.

The argument is going to continue for some time as it progresses through what may be described as the social bell curve. It might take a dramatic event to galvanize people to demand collective action, but your question poses an interesting dilemma in the impasse-although a recent poll indicates that over 80% of the population in the U.S. now believes that Climate Change is occurring, fewer believe that mankind is causing it and fewer still feel that it is as high a priority as other issues, such as political stability, economics and pandemics (Ebola garnering a lot of attention in the news recently.) Here's a link to the poll:


...and I just asked what climate science needs to do to link climate change and recent weather events to mankind's influence in the public perception. I really can't think of what data and research might be done to provide this kind of linkage...but until there is a firmer grasp of how significant our influence is on accelerating climate change the vast majority of people in the USA now believe is occurring-assuming this poll is reasonably accurate-we are going to continue arguing about it.

Just keep reading your left wing blogs and pretending it isn't about politics. You practically admit it. Maybe one day you will put one and one together and realize hey, I believe because I am a leftist drone.

Is Miami sinking just like New Orleans?

Does Miami have sink holes? It might disappear faster then.

Catastrophic, Man-made global warming is not supported by any credible, unmanipulated, scientific data.....None.....Period!

The Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up pretty much exposed the CAGW cause for what it really is......a scam.

corporations know people are stupid

the tobacco industry set the standard

asbestos did brilliantly

no reason to think people will start to see through the sophisticated propaganda of "everything is fine"

people like to believe everything is fine - thats at the heart of conservatism

The year 2014 is on track to be the hottest year on record, followed closely only by other recent years. There isn't one scientific organization that disputes the conclusion that rising levels of greenhouse gases are the main cause of it.

Fossil fuel interests have spent hundreds of millions trying to create an illusion of controversy. So far this has dragged on longer than the "controversy" over cigarettes causing lung cancer. Will this get dragged on until Miami is a chain of Islands in the Ocean?