> There has been strong winds?

There has been strong winds?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This happens sometimes there is a big Icelandic low and an Azore high, look here http://www.meteorologica.info/Euroisobar...

Strong winds are actually a sign of climate change because before 1970 there were no strong winds, or hurricanes or tornadoes. The temperature never varied and unicorns and fairies played together under rainbows that you could walk on .

Other weather events that prove AGW is real include: More rain. Less rain. About the same amount of rain. More snow. Less snow. About the same amount of snow. Warmer temps. Colder temps. About the same temps. More Antarctic sea ice. Less Antarctic sea ice. About the same amount of Antarctic sea ice.

I've also been told that the CAGW theory is completely falsifiable.

just cheer-up whatever the condition may be because no one will be alive so till we alive we have to take the best advantages of our life so keep on enjoying your life

I would be worried if i was you. You can never trust that mighty wind.

Wind is not new

definitely high unusual

I live in Belfast Northern Ireland and there are strong winds I'm not sure if a sign of winter or global warming it can be quite windy in winter here but this winter seems different should I be worried