> The lorax and sustainability?

The lorax and sustainability?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Lorax is an excellent story about the effects of depletion of natural resources on the environment.


It sets the scene with a terrible, polluted, run down old city, with gray skies, brown grass, and only the stumps of the once plentiful truffula trees. As the onceler explains his life story in a flashback, the reader discovers that the city had not always appeared dark and gloomy. Once, it had thrived, and had been full of animals of all sorts, and also had possessed abundant, colorful trees. But the ignorance and greed of a powerful group of beings (the onceler family) had turned the once thriving, beautiful, area into a run down mess. With no regard to how it would affect the environment around them, the onceler family set up shop and started making thneeds, which required clear cutting the beautiful and plentiful truffula trees. Refusing to realize that one day, the trees would completely dissapear, the onceler's business grew bigger and bigger, and more trees got cut down. Here is where the Lorax comes in. Despite the Lorax's stern predictions and reccomendations, the onceler continued to cut and his factory continued to grow, creating smog and pollution as well as taking away the trees. Eventually, the local wild life began to leave because there was no food, and the area was too polluted. After many many years, the onceler shows regret for his actions, and entrusts the boy with the very last truffula seed. "Plant it," he says to the boy, and explains how he is the last hope to restore the environment to its original condition, if he cares enough.


As you can tell from the summary, this story is a warning about the affects of taking more than you are welcome to. By ignoring the fact that one day the trees would dissapear, and by refusing to see what ruinous effect that might have on the environment, the onceler destroyed the once beautiful and bountiful area. Clear cutting has devastating affects, which is displayed in many ways in this story. Not only did the trees provide the environment with beauty, but the animals needed them to survive. By not sustaining natural resources, and making an effort to keep resources balanced, the wildlife suffers.


The onceler clear cut the truffula trees in order to make his thneeds. By doing this, the wildlife suffered and had to relocate. He destroyed the atmosphere of the area by cutting down all of the trees, and he also removed the food source and homes of the animals living there.

The factory he used to make the thneeds also affected the environment. It spewed toxic waste into the air (smog) and into the ponds as well. This pollution also affected the atmosphere and caused the wildlife to leave the area.


Now, left with the mess the onceler made, the next generation is pressured to fix the mistakes of previous generations. The boy that asked the onceler about the mess is entrusted with the very last truffula seed, and he is told he is the only hope to restoring the environment to its original condition. The next generation is left cleaning up the mess due to the mistakes of their elders, and they are left with a terrible, ugly, unsafe, polluted, dead world. They have no choice but to try and fix it, and perhaps maybe one day, "the Lorax, and all of his friends, may come back."

Nicole gave an excellent answer and I certainly can't add anything to that. The movie WALL·E is also about how our shortsightedness may make the Earth un – inhabitable for future generations. I a copy of the movie to a friend of mine who denies that we are changing the Earth.

You're obviously a 6th grade student trying to skive out of their homework.

Grow up. Read the book yourself. It's not even very long.

Lorax is fiction. So is an Imminent Ice Age of the 60s and 70s. So is Global Warming by mankind. So is Climate Change created by mankind.

I bet you would really like the Superman story. They have this man who can fly. He can jump tall buildings. You can shoot him and he doesn't care or get harmed. You really love fiction. Jump right on that one.

Are you really so intellectually lazy that you actually needed someone to do this for you? I mean, you got a great answer, but you didn't deserve it.

Please tell me you are not going to go into a career where I might have to use something you've produced, like a bridge, airplane, or toaster.

Explain how the lorax is about sustainability. Explain how the oncelers actions and productionof the thneeds affected the environment and also discuss how the next generation is left to deal with it.