> Some people argue that the problem of global warming is an example of "the tragedy of commons"?

Some people argue that the problem of global warming is an example of "the tragedy of commons"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't see how it could be a tragedy of the commons when it isn't a tragedy at all. The atmosphere is shared by all but emitting CO2 isn't a big problem IMO.

Anastacia is a real imbecile but someone liked her answer, an alarmist no doubt. Americans steal water from those who don't have it? We are keeping the others on the planet dirty because we have all the water. What complete and utter stupidity. I would have probably ignored her but some idiot gave her a thumbs up.

Then she goes on reciting her leftist gibberish about Americans starting wars for Oil, bombing villages and ways of life. I would like to know which war that was. I love America and don't like people trashing her even if they are complete ignoramuses. I don't think we should tolerate that kind of ignorance. When people say stupid and ignorant things, they should be called on it.

NO it is not the same, tragedy of the commons is about over exploitation, which might be true with oil reserves, but not true with our atmosphere, we have actually have had good international agreements about the atmosphere, the many clean air acts and the Montreal accord over ozone depletion.

The commons was about population increases, and was not so much a tragedy, we still have lots of commons in the UK, which work well for the benefit of most people.

Yes, the commons is the atmosphere; in the absence of a global agreement, every nation's best interest is to continue as they are, even though we will all be affected by global warming eventually.


The solution lies in all nations accepting that this is a serious problem and in the introduction of a binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sadly we seem to be as far ever from reaching such an agreement.



yes, all because of self-interests groups.

the Koch brothers are one excellent example of special interests or self-interest folks.

The elite (Americans) buy water shipped from places where the residents don't have potable water

to even bathe in! That water could be kept as their ground water, preventing further desertification.

American create war over oil, bombing populations of people, destroying homes, villages, schools=edu, ways of life.

Americans are the largest consumers of oil and as we buy that oil, the refineries burn oil stacks


and create more carbon, which releases MORE frozen methane (4x more the green house gas that carbon is) trapped in melting ice, that continues the positive feedback...more melting..more methane, more melting....creating climate refugees->folks who need to move off their home islands, (require work visas to move to the US/UK/China/ etc) that flood out from rising seas.

We Americans, by our excessive oil use, and consuming of goods= that put excess cattle (more methane produced) farmers to work (less carbon absorbed), vs standing rain forests create a never ending cycle of tragedy of commons.

We consume so much, use one time use petrol derived PLASTIC containers that we cast aside or ship (using more oil we fought for) back to China for them to deal with. we put in a modern landfill that will NEVER decompose, but will provide all that much more methane we require to finish this Planet off once and for all. Your grandkids will thank you.

All eyes are on American. It is about time we set a GOOD example, instead of a selfish one.

some people argue that the problem of global warming is an example of "the tragedy of commons"

a) explain how they could be right

b) if they are right, what approach might lead to a solution of the problem?