> Is there anything I can do about global warming?

Is there anything I can do about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't worry the human race will continue no matter what. If you like to do green things, that's cool. You and a friend can walk with gloves on (please do it safely) around with two large bags and pick up recycles in one bag and garbage in the other. You could also write a blog about your ideas of living green. There's always something to be done to help clean up the environment, even if it seems like small steps everything helps.

Things you can do to help:

1. Reduce waste. Anything you use took energy to make or process, and energy to transport it to you, and at least some of that energy was probably from fossil fuels like coal and oil. So, the less you waste, and thus the less you use, the less energy is used on your behalf

2. Drive less. Walk, take a bus, or ride your bike when you can to visit friends or go to work or school, instead of driving or having someone drive you. When you do have to drive somewhere, see if you can arrange a carpool so that fewer cars are needed, and/or arrange to do all your driving in one trip.

3. Buy environmentally friendly things. Buy recycled, buy local, buy "green". Not every "green" thing really is better for the environment (sometimes it's just a marketing gimmick), but if you're intelligent and careful, you can reduce your environmental impact by buying things that were made from re-used materials, or didn't have to be transported as far, or that are made with readily renewable resources like most plant fibers. Doing any of those things will tend to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

4. Learn more, and share with others. You may not be able to do the "big" things yourself (like set government policy, or switch the power company to renewable energy sources), but you can learn about them. And once you have learned about them, you can write letters, and get your friends to write letters, urging the relevant people (your government representatives, the power company, and so forth) to take appropriate action.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

Yes. Leave it alone and tell your legislatures that there is no AGW. The Earth has been cooling for over a decade.


see goin single handed could never work out.its good tht u are quite interested.u need to work little more about creating awareness among people.as little steps could make you go a long way .

Relax Sarah, there is no man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

you can minimize your energy power dont waste it at any time and can minimize any plastic bag which affect global warming :)

Ok , I live in a small town that the energy is produced by water our town has

Won lots of awards for the way our city pomps threw energy. I was wondering if I could send something out to Steven Harper saying that we should have 1 green day a month where everybody walks to work , bikes and doesn't use there car I mean it would help the atmosphere let the Co2 escape more.. I know it's a little bit extreme but I just want the human race to continue for a long time like is tere anything I can do I always unit the tv , phone chargers , straighteners, all hair stuff

And everything that is ever plugged in but I wanna get more involed I know I'm young but I wanna make a difference in our world so what can I do to help STOP global warming? Ps I'm l

13 year old girl