> So Global Warmists, what do you think about about all the snow that is about to plague the U.S. Midsection?

So Global Warmists, what do you think about about all the snow that is about to plague the U.S. Midsection?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quite indicative of climatic cooling isn't it?

Oh definitely. Because a day of snowfall in one small section of one country automatically means the planet is going into an ice age.

Edit: Well gee Ian I guess since we got snow on Friday that means the planet isn't warming. right? I've seen your posts in your other threads. What you are doing is called 'trolling'. you know perfectly well what weather is and what climate is. Your hatred for what you call 'warmists' has become more and more apparent with every post. Your arguments are being lead by hatred not by logic.

I recall a question earlier asking about the drought and if it was caused by global warming. MY response was, though a warming atmosphere could 'load the dice' for such events to occur but 4 or 5 years of warmer temperatures is not climate change and was partly the result of the ENSO cycle being in a severe negative phase though there are other causes as well. I find it humourous that I am arguing that way yet you stand here attempting to argue that a day or months worth of snow in winter or the beginning of spring in one area of the world, or even two or three, means that the planet is not warming.

Ian: You're an idiot. I" have constantly said that to get a trend you need to take a long time interval. This is generally more than a decade or two, Scientists take 30 years to weed out such effects as the AMO and PDO. Though climate change will 'load the dice' for certain weather extremes those are still weather. But don't let me change your insane psychotic rants. They are quite funny. Are you a believer in the hollow moon other dimensional aliens too?

Ian: Do you even pay any attention to the ignorant stuff you post? If it's cold and snowy where you are, or over China, or somewhere else (Knowledgeable people would agree that the heat merely got redistributed) does that mean the planet is not in a long term warming trend? If I used the US drought over the last 5 years and the fact that 2012 was the warmest year on record for the US would that show that the planet is not in a long term warming trend? No to both, To see a global trend you have to look at the data for the globe over a longer time period. You are one of those morons who think "I just shoveled 2 feet of snow off my driveway!" is a good argument against AGW.

i have answered a similar question to this and i will give you about the same answer. i think global warming is completely fake. although the depletion of the ozone layer does contribute to warming up the earth, the earth heating up is a natural cycle that the earth goes through and can some times take millions of years to take effect and the enormous amount of snow just proves my statement even more true! i actually do not think that the earth is getting colder either. the weather and climate are both unpredictable and i do not think the scientists can even come close to predicting drastic climate changes such as global warming but the can make as many predictions as they want because it does not effect me cause i have my opinion and no one can change it. even if global warming did exist there is nothing we can do about it because most of the green house gases that supposedly create holes in the ozone already exist and according to the law of conservation of matter (which i do not believe in) matter can not be created or destroyed so that theory contradicts the theory that we are creating more greenhouse gases. so the scientists are on a wild goose chase and running around in circles not getting any where because the keep creating theories that say about the opposite thing. i really enjoy questions like this where i get to express my thoughts, feelings and conspiracies about things like this.

"Quite indicative of climatic cooling isn't it?"

Not at all. There will still be snow and cold temperatures, but there will be less snow and less extremely cold temperatures.

To the deniers: Do not use the arguments made by conspiracy theorists or Exxon's shills.

Scientists make the measurements, and contrary to the popular belief of deniers, they AGREE on these measurements which demonstrate that the Earth is warming.

"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." -Neil deGrasse Tyson

As for your second comment,

"far more destructive and detrimental than a few degrees Fahrenheit of warming would do to the planet."

If we continue at this rate of warming, 50% of species could be extinct by 2090. That doesn't sound destructive and detrimental to you?

Lizzy, your comment is a joke. If you took the time to understand the science, you would know that the carbon dioxide is from fossil fuels that have been far underground for 300,000,000 years. No one ever said that they magically came into existence. They've been there for a long time, and humans have been releasing them since the Industrial Revolution.

If this is true why is there: Increased flooding on coasts throughout the world due to glacier meltdown,

increased flooding in rivers throughout America due to melting polar ice caps, increased droughts, and increased hurricanes and tornadoes. Saying that there will be 8 inches of snowfall is a horrible excuse to say the earth isn't getting hotter, if there wasn't global warming we would probably get 12-14 inches of snowfall.

Not much "thinking" required.

"Parts of the midwest" ≠ global.

A few gamblers winning at roulette on a few weekends doesn't mean the casino is heading for a losing season.

Actually, last month was the ninth warmest February on record since 1880. Yet again we have someone in the US who thinks the entire world revolves around them ... the fact that you called us 'global warmists' was just a hint to the problem with your logic.


No, it isn't actually.

Unlike whatever your simplistic mind believes, snow is not the contrary of Global Warming.

@Jeff M...It's pretty cold in a lot of other places. But you already knew that since you live in Vancouver. Did you guys get any snow on Friday? We did on the island.


@Jeff...Nope, just pointing out that it's pretty cold across much of the northern hemisphere right now.

Alarmists have two standard excuses when someone brings up how cold it is where they live:

It isn't Global ---- Jeff M

Weather isn't climate (unless we say it's climate) ---- Big Gryph (btw, it's spring you ding dong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

@linlyons...So the USA is Global? So like the "The weather isn't climate till we say it's climate" it's now "That's not Global until we say it's Global."

@Hey Doofus...Your answer to this question : ""Parts of the midwest" ≠ global."

Your answer to a similar question: "...nor is Europe global"

You and Jeff M get the prize for pretending it's not cold in other places as well. At least Jeff M had the good sense to go with the 'Weather isn't climate until we say it is' argument after I called him out.

Alarmists = Clowns

Tch, tch, tch, Jeff, there ya go again, assuming that they'll understand sarcasm.

The fact that 2012 was the warmest ever for the USA seems to escape them.

They're not about to understand anything they don't see on faux-lies.

You think that people would be smart enough by now not to ask questions like this. Please, go back to school and take some math and science classes.

Quite indicative of climatic cooling isn't it?

Yeah, freezing cold is the new warm in global warming la la fantasy land.

Well, there is one thing we can probably be certain of - The stupidity of AGW Deniers will destroy the country before climate change can.

No.but you are too stupid to appreciate the science. Why not leave it to those of us who have the ability and wallow in your ignorance

Hmm As one UK spokesman said our children will never know what snow is.

These warmist's are so brainwashed it is unbelievable. they cannot see the truth even though it is staring them in the face.

I think it is winter you ding dong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!