> Should the IPCC be shut down?

Should the IPCC be shut down?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I do not think they should have been formed in the first place, their mandate was to investigate how man is affecting climate, not whether climate is being affected, plus they are more political than scientific.

The whole U.N. is a useless bureaucratic mess, their peace force just watches atrocities instead of stopping them

Yes, it is a propaganda machine and it uses fear to suppress the people. It is an unfair process and a complete waste of taxpayer money. That being said it will never go away because that is the point. It is a machine being used to brainwash the masses so they accept world government and fascism under the disguise(as always) of "your safety".

Adolf Hitler burned down the Reichstag and blamed it on a defenseless child. He then used that to give the brainwashed people of Germany the Gestapo as he said "to defend our homeland"

In 2001 the USA via their intelligence agencies and MOSSAD conducted the 9/11 attacks by training and funding the terrorist and then blamed it on a defenseless boogy man as the mastermind. Afterwards the USA created the Department of Homeland security.......how history repeats as both countries were blind to the truth.

It' seems denier have no real idea how the IPCC actually works, they just take on faith the nonsense they read in internet blogs i.e. "Of course no scientist in the group . Its a bunch of busy bodies"

There are in fact 830 scientists who are the authors and reviewers of AR5

I personally know two who are experts in Antarctic glacial ice, but they come from a range of fields that cover the various aspects of climate change and from across the world, from the lead agencies that do the actual research on this these are scientists who are the top of their field with decades of experience, English Lords and TV weathermen need not apply.

Mikes answer is a fine example of the fibs deniers continue to try and spread, and all they really do is give an insight to the lengths deniers will go to.

Here in fact are those authors


I would say you can easily find papers that attach to them and their affiliation to organisations or universities is also listed making it even easier, more than can be said for the hollow list of 31,000 in the OISM petition, deniers put so much faith in.

Do you think the WHO should be shut down? They collect data from various sources and let policy makers and the public know of it so they can provide action.


Here is what they are responsible for "Shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends."

Just imagine how much money we would save on conference costs if it were disbanded. They are, after all, part of that rascally U.N.

How about UNICEF? They, apparently, have the authority to influence decision makers.


"UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. We have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality."

It is known that there are children in need so why do we need them? And they are just another part of that dreaded U.N.

The reports issued by the IPCC have a lot more to do than just with 'science'. The scientific reality is only the first portion of the report. There are three separate working groups. working group 1 deals with the physical science basis and it is the one that consists of quite a lot of climate scientists. Working group II deals with impacts, adaption and vulnerability. While science does play a part in this group quite a lot of this group deals with other things. The third working group consists of mitigation. This group deals with strategies and so on. This is the category many who claim to be skeptics argue against yet they bring groups such as Working Groups I and II into it. You want to argue against increased taxation? Sure. Look at what this group has to say and come up with an alternative. This is the group where politics comes in and this is the group that people, who are afraid that they will lose money, should pay attention to.

WGI - https://www.ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch/

WGII - http://www.ipcc-wg2.gov/index.html

WGIII - http://www.ipcc-wg3.de/

Absolutely! After that last report it would behoove all scientists to be absolutely irate. That report was such a fiasco that it would not fool a good grade school science class. We have received nothing but self serving lies and misinformation from this group of leaches. The world would better of without them.

The whole UN should be shut down.

Mike it is too bad you don't know jack about AGW or the IPCC for that matter. Good luck with middle school graduation. Hope they don't hold you back, but it wouldn't surprise me.

The answer is NO

A prime candidate for privatization, then those that want it can pay for it. No, Scrap it.

Of course no scientist in the group . Its a bunch of busy bodies .

I don't know

Given that we are told the science is settled, and in the latest IPCC report, a 95% likelihood was given for warming between 1.5C and 4.5C, shouldn't the IPCC stop producing reports?

Perhaps just produce small reports that report add-ons or changes in thought, but no AR6.

This would save tens of millions on conference costs, which could be used to build renewable energy products in the Third World.
