> Seeing as how humans are badly mutated creatures who can only survive by altering nature, why shouldn't?

Seeing as how humans are badly mutated creatures who can only survive by altering nature, why shouldn't?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
he world pump out over 40 billion tons of CO2 per year and raise CO2 to over 440 ppm? After all, plants require CO2.

For the same reason that when the brakes start to go out on your car you don't just wait until you get into an accident then let the hospital patch you up. Prevention is often better than mitigation.

Plants can only absorb so much CO2 and we need to plant a billion trees now so we can start capturing more CO2.

Ridiculous idea Why not ask real questions, or are you not old enough to participate in the forum??

Stupid question. humans are superbly mutated (evolved) creatures we evolved intelligence, which makes us the top animal on this planet.

What has that got to do with CO2

The Bible says we were created. I'll stick with that.

...and a happy new year!

the world pump out over 40 billion tons of CO2 per year and raise CO2 to over 440 ppm? After all, plants require CO2.