> How to bring change in my nature?

How to bring change in my nature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You can't change your nature but you can learn to be less jealous assuming that is what you mean by possessive, although I think you might not admit that. Jealousy generally is something that happens when we are afraid that the other person might leave us because we don't measure up in some way. First I would say admit that and second I would say that you just shouldn't worry about it. Excessive worry is probably the only thing to worry about.

Global Warming ended over a year ago. the weather your getting is like it was in the 1970's before Global warming. Mike

There is only one way thsts Cooperation.. Make less critics, attitudes&affection

Always stand for your bf.for every action ask his notion about it..dot be over possessive..

Emotion is part of human being, Yet we should try to control it and to be a practical person.

Switch to carbon free energy.

Jst try

so, i think u don't understand him....just try to listen what he saying & understand and think & talk...give him surprises with ur heart

I am very kind and simple.(people says) also very caring and understanding. But nw a days I am feeling so much possession about my love. I am behaving luke a short temper.bcz of this there is always an argument takes place between me and my lover .today he said me u r over sensitive and over emotional so I cnt handle your nature. I dnt want to loose him friends. He is so kind .I love him so much. I think my possession is bcz of my unlimited love. I wnt to make myself an understanding girlfriend. Plz help me.