> Questions about global warming?

Questions about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1. That data set has not been compiled , yet. As of 2003, maybe.

2. That is a variable equation.

3. Freakish weather.

4. false, is more like .04 is still rising, consistently.

5. I am here this day, I can hope the next day is better, I can do what I can do to make it better, I have no guarantees.

Climate Data is a funny thing, it may be precise, it takes years to collect and then it takes time to correlate.

Watch the movie Water World for #5.

Follow the link for the latest report.

It is true that 20 percent of sun's ultevoilet rays stays in earth's environ ment. Because of a layer of green house gasses in our environment. These gasses are also responsible for a hole in ozon layer above hind mahasagar.

By a research in this field this is calculated that earth's temprature has increased 5'C from 1950 to 1995.

If this will continue one day all the ice of north and south poles of earth will melt and the sea level will start increasing.

Thus the low areas like beaches and some of ireland wil be fullfiled of sea water.

Then human will start facing problem of space to live on earth....!!!!

Pay Al and the problem will go away.

1. I am not sure of your question.

2. False

3. Yes, since it is such an obvious scam, it is a wonder why anybody would believe in it.

4. False.

5. Our Creator will soon straighten things out.


1. How many percentage do greenhouse gases increase (latest data)?

2. True or false: 20% of the Sun's rays trap in the atmosphere, while the other 80% reflects back into space.

3. Anything interesting about global warming?

4. True or false: Because of the global warming, the earth's temperature increases a degree Celsius every year.

5. Prediction on our planet's future?

Add links if you can, I'd be much appreciated