> Are Chris Christie's farts causing global warming?

Are Chris Christie's farts causing global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
His flatulence is ruining the pure air!

"Are Chris Christie's farts causing global warming?"

He is just enunciating Republican science policy

Did you ever consider global warming is causing Chris Christie's farts?

Yes , especially when he wears his Speedo !!!

And I hear one Iceberg melts with each fart. So actually Chris Christie is causing the The water levels to rise as well.

He is one ugly, arrogant, insecure and smelly dude.

I feel sorry for New Jersey.

Yes they are and they're also causing people to fall dead left and right. The lethality from just one can kill as much as 20k people. I wear a gas mask if I get within 100 miles from him. That is one stanky dude!

Every time a polar bear falls of an iceberg, we know who to blame.


AGW is a myth. So no. I don't like him either but he is ruining the earth through his politics not his bodily functions.

No, Rush Limbaugh is the cause

Thanks for keeping the Denier position political. The honesty is refreshing.

His flatulence is ruining the pure air!