> Do you believe climate shifts that occur are primarily driven by natural forces or human activity?

Do you believe climate shifts that occur are primarily driven by natural forces or human activity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tomcat --

Is there a reason you included a url that contradicts everything you claim?


Tomcat --

>>Gary - Care to explain what caused the warming from 1910 - 1945 <<

Solar activity - mostly.


CR --

It contradicts his claim that "It is all natural." In fact, it is the most damning part because following that early 20th century warming, solar activity declined as temperature increased - as did the amount of atmospheric CO2.

No one has ever claimed that there was no "natural" forcing of climate. However, Deniers do claim that we are either unaware of, or unable to identify, the relationship between solar activity and global temperature. The fact that we can tell when the sun is driving a particular set of observations means that we can also tell when the sun is not driving a set of observations.

I believe that climate change occurs due to human interference. Pretty much everything we do on a daily basis - drive cars, heat our homes, turn on the light switch - adds emissions to the air and creates pollution. It's pretty easy to see the connections, too: the greenhouse effect is a major problem due to warming gases like carbon dioxide and methane thanks to human activities, the ozone layer is slowly being depleted, water levels are rising, and the overall temperature of the earth is slowly rising as well. It's disturbing, but there are new techniques that can be implied that would help to undo a little of the damage we've done - solar, wind, and water power are a few of these ideas. I really hope there will come a day when we can live without being so hard on the earth.

Fun fact - did you know that scientists estimate that, if we stopped all production of ozone-destroying substances, the ozone layer would replenish itself and be back to normal in about 50 years?

Climate shifts are primarily due to natural variations in things like the earth's orbit or changes in solar output.

What we are seeing in recent years though is a rapid increase in CO2 accompanied by temperature increases. Humans are responsible for this trend and it will have impacts on our environment and weather patterns.

The difference is long term (thousands of years) versus short term (hundreds of years). The fact that our influence may be short term doesn't alter the fact that we will need to mitigate against the consequences of our actions.

Gary F

Tomcat is right. The warming from 1910 to 1945 was probably caused by natural factors, particularly the Sun.

Previous climate changes before any possible human interference all had to be due to "natural" causes.

This reconstruction of Greenland's climate during the most recent past interglacial period is typical.


Average temperatures apparently were14.4f --8c higher than today & sea levels 4--8 meters higher without any human contribution.

I have no doubt that the actions of modern civilization are having some small influence on today's climate but I seriously doubt our influence is any larger than the background noise of random natural variation.

This so called climate controversy is entirely a rhetorical waste of time anyway as civilization is not going to simply go away willingly is it.

It doesn't matter to liberals what the primary driver is, it is their contention that man is disturbing the natural balance and disturbing the natural balance is bad regardless of the effects.

A seal is trapped in a net and will die unless freed and nursed back to health. Man built the net, man cast the net in the water, man left the net in the water, man caused the seal to be trapped in the net. Man sets this right by saving the seal, nursing it back to health, and releasing it into the mouth of a killer whale.

Fun Fact: The ozone hole isn't a hole at all it's a thinnning that has occured at each pole once a year since before man walked the earth and as long the earths axis remains tilted every year each pole will experience a thinning of ozone. Unfortunately when comes to earth sciences our education system has been hijacked and adopted the method of observe, if negative find man's influence, if there is no signs of man's influence state the natural balance philosophy and claim that man's unnatural influence simply has to be the problem, come up with a plan to stop man's influence on the balance and claim all opposition to action is based on greed, if the plan has no chance of having any impact and people object do everything possible to discredit them, when all else fails make an altruistic stand claim your saving the planet, saving the children, finally make the claim that even if bad things aren't being caused by man that your actions are Good and therefore cannot be harmful and any one who objects to doing good must be bad.

In the last 15000yrs temperatures have generally been warmer than now with some very cold periods in-between so yes climate shifts have happened before we had CO2 emissions and will certainly happen again.

Human activity is a very minor thing against the forces of solar, and planetary orbiting cycles

As unlikely as it is that we upset the mechanics of geologic health, we ought to act in accordance of that unlikelihood just in case. Anything else is as unintelligent as it is blatantly ignoring inspiration, as that promotes missing opportunity to let prevention lead us to a quality of living that will help us to deal with the far more real environmental scare of exceeding the carrying capacity of a land's ability to nurture and assure we sustain our well-beings as best we can.

Natural forces.Although we pollute and perhaps change too many things,the earth is a living planet and as such subject to change.

It's all natural, simple logic will tell you just by looking at the following graph.


The warming that occured from 1910 - 1945 was not from the effects of humanity, thats a given.

The Warming that occured from 1977 - 2003 is supposedly caused by CO2

Other than that that, there are no other periods with substantial warming. So 150 years of data, only two 30 year periods of warming, both indentical in magnitude, one supposedly natural one not. This recent warming is not unusual, it happens every other 30 years, it is a cycle, to think you could alter it whatsoever by increasing CO2 by 0.01% is insane.

Gary - Care to explain what caused the warming from 1910 - 1945 ?

man made climate change is a proven fact and there is nothing natural about it except for natural variations of weather like we have always had.

3 decades of rising global temp in correlation with rising CO2 for the same time period are a matter of record

**** Gary Spot on That is a very good warmist chart from TC

Science does not depend on what any no-life too-lazy-to-do-homework Yahoo Clown here "believes."

" Primarily" natural, no 2 ways about it.

No one knows for sure, but the increased air pollution of the industrial age seems to be increasing the temperature of the earth. however the earth had warm periods and icy periods many times BEFORE the industrial age. So it is nothing we have not seen before.

Natural shifts, as the GW premise is based on pseudoscience...honest!! Want more info? Just ask!!!

Natural. Too many changes have happened to the earth before you drove your SUV.