> Do carbon dioxide levels increase exponentially over time?

Do carbon dioxide levels increase exponentially over time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Any websites with information about CO2 levels will be greatly appreciated as well!

Atmospheric CO2 measurements are here.


Not exponentially, but the rate does increase because a the level gets higher it causes more ice to melt which releases more CO2 and Methane.

As CO2 emissions increase at an increasing rate, as naturally contained CO2 is released with increased temperature, and since CO2 cannot be recycled as fast as it is produced/released, it accumulates exponentially.

No they will eventually level out, through increased plant life increased uptake in the ocean, increased water vapor will wash it out of the atmosphere.

Probably not, but they increase fast enough.


There is no scientific evidence as to that effect.

Any websites with information about CO2 levels will be greatly appreciated as well!