> My idea for climate change reduction. Giant towers to scrub the atmosphere.?

My idea for climate change reduction. Giant towers to scrub the atmosphere.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That would be extremely expensive and unnecessary. If you do have a cheap method of pulling CO2 from the atmosphere, you do not need large tower to "scrub". The atmosphere mixes well enough, that you can simple pull the CO2 from the ground level. The problem is the cost of scrubbing and who will fund this.

As climate realist stated, solar power and nuclear are the key. I will add to that better batteries or power storage. Though CR and i disagree on the scope of AGW, the non-costly solutions are clear.

We already have giant towers that very efficiently scrub CO2 from the atmosphere, and unlike modern tech ideas do not have to lock it away underground or somewhere, but turn it into life supporting oxygen,they are called TREES, why not plant more?

Oh Yah! Towers are good! No wait! It didn't do Nimrod any good when he built the Tower of Babel.

CO2 level is not a problem! Prove that it is before you waste you energy going in the wrong direction.

There are some ideas like that floating around. They are all expensive and voters will not vote to pay for them with tax dollars. Better to spend money on cleaner energy sources, especially since most of that development is paid for by private companies who expect to make money selling the technology (like solar panels) to willing buyers.

Right - and lets power them with coal or other fossil fuel power plants.

And who pays for the towers and their construction and maintenance ??

I have a better idea; clean energy, such as solar and nuclear power.


It sound just as stupid and "efficient" as wind farms. Alarmists love anything that cost billions and does absolutely nothing though.


Tell me if this idea is practical. We have 700 ft tall towers in the sky. About 10 in each state. They filter CO2 from the atmosphere. They provide thousands of jobs from building to maintaining.