> If it is "Global" Warming, then how is it a national security issue?

If it is "Global" Warming, then how is it a national security issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is a political agenda, it has nothing to do with science. All Global warming idiots have one thing in common. All of them are liberal Democrats. That fact alone should bring on a red alarm light.

The Global Warming and Biodiversity loss is not a political or a Nation Security issue it is a human issue.

There is no need to guess or get emotional about this. Because no matter what nation you are from, the Earth is where we all live. The Latest findings states 90% of all scientists believe there is Global warming and 97% of Climatologist believes it and they both agree this is man made situation regardless of classification. The stats were shared by CNN just a few weeks ago.

Instead of politics let us think of the future of the only planet we have, EARTH.

Did you know Biodiversity loss is tied in to this as well? Good News..! We all can do something about it without all the layers of red tape. We already recycle, and have water conservation and wildlife protection etc. But there are many things we can do right where we are without having a degree in science! The Earth is the only place we live so what we need to do is get a working understanding of what these two subjects are all about and take action.

It was human habits that caused these events and it will take humans to change a few things and give the Earth a second wind. We have so much access to information do your own research. Yes this is a National Security issue and it also a Mankind issue that affect all humans on the planet not just here in blessed USA.

I am “DrCal” the President of “the Musicians for Biodiversity Inc” a non-profit organization. Lyfeproduction.com/mfb I am also a partner of the United Nations on the Decade of Biodiversity 2011-2020. Global Warming is real and so is Biodiversity loss. Instead of taking a chance and see what happens let us all give this Earth it’s second wind. There are 20 targets to reach before 2020. Will you be a part of the solution?

“DrCal” Talk show Host/ Business owner Lyfeproduction.com

“From the Top” (Decade on Biodiversity) MFB blogtalkradio.com/fromthetop

Partner with The United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020

You seem to have an endless supply of wrong information at your disposal. I've never seen any field that has as much freely available data as atmospheric science/climate. Contrary to your statement, I have never heard of ANYBODY advocating secrecy, much less "most or all." Those are your own misconceptions or delusions. In the U.S., the only trouble I have ever had getting climate data is the past couple of weeks, when access to it was cut off because of Ted Cruz, John Boehner and a bunch of Tea Party morons.

That's not to say that weather and climate are not national security concerns--they definitely are. The Navy has its own forecasting centers, research centers, weather satellites etc. Some of that information is made public and some of is not. If you're fighting a war, access to accurate meteorological information is a tactical advantage that the military does not want to give up.

Climate change is also a national security concern, because water and food shortages can lead to the destabilization of governments, and it's the responsible of the national security infrastructure to anticipate future challenges.

Seasonal climate forecasts are certainly confidential information until they are released, because anyone with early access to them could use them for financial gain in the commodities market, and that would be insider trading.

EDIT for Zippi62: Your response to me made little sense, either rhetorically or logically. An organization (such as the CIA) may take information that is available in public reports, such as those from the IPCC, and make plans based on those reports. To think that they would share those plans with the public at large is naive to the nth degree.

Also, the entire premise of this question--that global warming would not be a national security issue because it is global--is logically indefensible. The very reason that it would be a national security issue is because it is global, and affects different countries in different ways.

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth's mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F), with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation


Straw man argument (very likely due to the fact you are utterly misinformed about the subject). Lots of non-government organizations research it (ie, foundations).

<< It seems most or all of the AGW advocates support secrecy when it comes to researching climate science. >>

Another straw man argument as exactly the opposite is the case, PARTICULARLY with government funded research. Organizations such as NASA, NOAA, heck, even the IPCC put their data all at the disposal for everyone else to see/use.

Here's a few links to such 'secret, government funded' sites which are doing a pretty bad job at keeping their data from the general public:

NOAA Argos Data: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/

NOAA Climate Data: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/

East Anglia Climate Unit Data: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/data

(Dutch) KNMI Climate Data: http://climexp.knmi.nl/start.cgi?id=some...

UK MetOffice Climate Data: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/

Danish Climate Data: http://sbi.dk/en/bsim/climate-data

And that's just 5 minutes of Googling.

<<...You are definitely a one-world Government advocate ...>>

And you are definitely a Conspiracy Theorist who sees black helicopters everywhere and who, in an astonishing twist of logic, believes all the Science to be fake just because it is government funded. LMAO.

Rising sea levels can lead to wars.

Because the Koch brothers haven't figured out how to make money from AGW research, yet.


Why does it have to be good enough to predict water and food shortages? If it's not good enough to predict that food and water shortages will happen, its not good enough to predict that food and water shortages won't happen. But, if you want them to be transparent about it


diabetes , aids from rejecting or wanting to be rejected food chain member are far worst of a disaster...begin to show diabetes and aids people changes are abroad so feel wanting to rejoin society is something we could do now

I think it is a crafty political ploy.

Now Obama can increase his climate change budget to make the greenies happy and then he can use that money to fund the military. What a mind, you can see why he made president.

Are you for real? The second sentence in your link reads:

"All data and research results are routinely made available to the civil science community."

How are you getting a support for secrecy out of this? You really should just go back down in your bunker and fondle your shotgun for comfort. I promise us adults will come and tell you when it is safe to come out, or drop a few more cases of canned food down to you so you can remain safe and happy. Deal?

time to take your paranoia pills.

Research on "Global warming" is a Global issue and involves everyone. Why does it only involve the Governments to research it? It seems most or all of the AGW advocates support secrecy when it comes to researching climate science. Does this give 'pause' on how accurate the information is?