> John Kerry let slip the truth on global warming. When will activists take note?

John Kerry let slip the truth on global warming. When will activists take note?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Stop lying. many countries do not support global warming, Germany is building many new coal fired power stations, Australia abolished their carbon tax, Many country leaders did not attend the NYC climate talks, Australia, India, Germany, China, Russia, of those who did attend, many were just paying lip service with no intention of entering binding agreements.

Why don't we just ship all of our jobs to China since it seems that is really what alarmists are proposing. If we make our energy expenditures more expensive, China will more easily out-compete us. They play by a different set of rules. We put yokes around the neck of industry and alarmists call that progress.

It is really hard to overstate what a dunderpuss you would have to be to suggest that AGW is one of the biggest threats out there as Lurch Kerry did not long ago. These people enable crazy people who hate us to get nukes while they worry about nonsensical threats. Our electorate sent a message to these bozos but they aren't smart enough to get it. They still think they are God's gift to us all except that they probably don't actually believe in God.

Activists have already taken note- check out the global climate march that took place in NYC. "Global warming" is also a misnomer. It was the original warming trend that lead scientists to denote this name. However, in the last 10 years or so they are realizing it isn't just a warming trend. There is now a global climate change. The question I pose to you is this: Most other major countries around the world are changing their policies to counteract the effects of climate change. The US is the only country that refuses to knowledge this at the governmental level. When will this paradigm shift occur? And what role is the media playing in all of this? I encourage you to look into it further!

Also- I'd like to note that billions of dollars are spend by large companies to keep people thinking that we need fossil fuels. Scientists do not have that kind of money to campaign against them.

You conveniently left out the first 2 phrases of that quote:

"So we need to solve this problem together. Why? Because neither one of us can possibly solve it alone. Even if every single American....etc.".

The full quote is the Truth and nothing but.

This is why global agreements are so important.

You should also remember that the basis of each person having an equal right, Australia and USA emit 3 times the amount of CO2 that China does. It is wonderful to point fingers, it accomplishes all the great things that finger-pointing accomplishes. But the crazy and unfortunate thing is that it is China taking the lead in modern forms of energy.

Yes, China has to do its bit too. But, did we wait for China to put a man on the Moon? What's wrong with showing some leadership. And if China won't change, let them be the ones who get blackmailed when ISIS supplies their oil.

We already know this, are you advocating we emulate China? We used to have hundreds of coal miners die every year like China, too, but we don't allow that anymore.

Change has to start somewhere.

John Kerry shoots himself in the foot again. What else would you expect of him?


america can lead or follow. it shows your morals.

"Even if every single American biked to work or carpooled to school or used only solar panels to power their homes – if we reduced our emissions to zero, if we planted each of us in America a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what? That still wouldn’t be enough to counteract the carbon pollution coming from China and the rest of the world."