> Does global warming cause more snow and cold?

Does global warming cause more snow and cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No It does not the IPCC states climate change will lead to warmer summers and milder winters, and if the IPCC is wrong that means the whole premise of climate change is wrong.

Global warming does not cause more cold but it can cause more snow by increasing the amount of water vapor in the air available to produce snow. However you can't take a small geographical region out of context to draw conclusions. Any random year it may stay warmer or cooler than average but it is the averages that would go up IF global warming is a continual process rather than just another cycle.

Remember, scientists also predict another ice age is coming eventually.

According to Al Gore lack of snow is a definite sign of Global Warming. We were supposed not to know what snow was anymore several years ago. Why would he repeat that 'no snow' statement in the US and in Germany if it didn't have meaning? So by Al Gore's logic it would seem that snow and colder means no

Global Warming.

Global warming does not cause more cold. Snow tends to be greatest at temperatures just below freezing. Some places are far below freezing for much of the winter and could get more snow if they get milder winters.

Global warming is caused by heat emitted from the ground.the core of this planet is becoming hotter and surely will be followed by volcanic eruptions around the world.sudden heating of the atmosphere will happen but because smokes and ash will saturate earth's atmosphere,sunlight will be blocked ,cause cooling of the planet and what to expect?ice age!

The Southern States constitute a very small proportion the planets surface in fact the North American continent barely makes up %7 of the planets surface. When considering the effects of global warming we need to consider the entire planet including the oceans, the effect of the oceans warming 1 degree are catastrophic as we are seeing. We are living through the greatest extinction since the dinosaurs, climate is just beginning to show how the planet will be reorganized. The science is there to show what we have done wrong and what we have to do if humanity is to survive. What you or I do with that information is a individual choice, closing our eyes to the problem does not mean it will go away.

Global warming causes more extreme weather, INCLUDING blizzards.

Weather comes from the contrast between air masses--hot and cold, wet and dry, high and low pressure. As the average temperature of the atmosphere slowly rises, there is more energy in the atmosphere so these contrasts are greater. For decades now climatologists have predicted this would lead to stronger, more violent weather--more and bigger hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms and even snowstorms. And that's what we've been seeing the last few years.

No, it won't lead to another ice age because the AVERAGE temperatures are higher, not lower.

global warming causes everything

The answer is clear NO .

Yes it could

They do not use the term global warming anymore

It is now "extreme weather phenomena"

Yesterday saw many low record temperatures shattered across the Southern States with the earliest snow ever recorded in several states. Did global warming cause this snow and record cold? If so, can global warming usher in another ice age?


Ok, luv U!

