> Is this the bastion of science that some here read?

Is this the bastion of science that some here read?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I believe it was Newton that said he had stood on the shoulders of giants. With what would seem to be an unimaginable opportunity for those in our time to stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, we find that our society promotes material based acquirement rather than any kind of intellectual advancement.

Foxnews is an example of the times in which we live. Because many people have been unable to keep pace with the information available they have become a lucrative market of disinformation applied in a way that allows them to finger their intellectual superiors. Our system has to reward the accumulation of money rather than education and thereby gives credence to fools.

Why would anyone think that Addicting Info tells nothing but the truth and Fox News constantly lies? Who was it who said: "Beware of ideologues bringing surveys"?

Talking of surveys, one was carried out at the International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas this week. 100% of attendees believed that the climate changed and 100% thought that man was at least partly responsible.

Less dissent there than with the scientific mainstream.

BB: "Addictinginfo.org is a Liberal/Hippy playground."

Hey, thanks. I'd never seen that site before.

Lots more honest than faux-lies.

OH yeah, and I was in San Francisco in the '60s. :)

Moe: "Looks like www.addictinginfo.com has you hooked, that would of course apply to most of what you find credible"

What I find credible? Yeah, all those sciencey type guys. What a dufus I must be. ;)

MIKE: "MSNBC lies 100% of the time"

That's delusional. Just because you don't like it,

does not mean it's not true.

Andy C: "They might be trying subtle reverse psychology ;) "

Uh huh. Or not. Viewership isn't be up to responding to that. :(

Really? If a fact comes from a biased source, then how reliable is it?

Why don't you try to find a common ground and work up from there instead of "talking down" to those you disagree with?

Don't you remember? You're a biased "Global Warmist". How would you know what skepticism is?

For anyone with half a brain, who is paying attention, it is fairly obvious that Fox is more infotainment than news. Most of it is isn't lies, because it isn't factual to begin with. That so many American have less than half a brain, or who switch whatever they have off when they switch Fox: that is noteworthy.

Zippi: Biologists state evolution is true. Your church states evolution is false. Therefor the truth must be somewhere in the middle right?

How else does a “news” organization make people more stupid than people who do not know anything?

Maybe they should consider changing “Fair and Balanced” to “More Stupider.”


Looks as if none of the media is reliable, and who is punditfact how do we know they are not telling lies.

Looks like www.addictinginfo.com has you hooked, that would of course apply to most of what you find credible.

They might be trying subtle reverse psychology;)


My, my, less than 20% of what one hears on foxnews is either true or mostly true.

I find that pretty astounding.

Almost to the point that, if fox said it, it's almost surely not true.

That would, of course, apply to global warming.

MSNBC lies 100% of the time

Addictinginfo.org is a Liberal/Hippy playground.