> Is this Beale one of those 97% consensus scientists?

Is this Beale one of those 97% consensus scientists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It is certainly embarrassing to be lectured to by the Russians. I can't help but think of this EPA agent as the South African sign language "expert." He just kept signing in front of the world leaders like a bad Saturday Night Live skit and everyone was utterly clueless. The signer was a nut case and it seems this EPA leader must have been too. Maybe I am being to lenient with him but where does he come up with stuff like this, a CIA agent in "Pakistan"? It is very bizarre. It certainly reveals an agency that is out of the control of the Congress and the American people.

Can't tell, the article even fails to mention if he is a climate scientist, closest I have come to his profession is "senior policy advisor" who specializes in global warming. Even if he is a scientist it is irrelevant to the science itself, which is all published for decades and I am still waiting for you and all other deniers to debunk it.

"Beale was somehow a star of the air office in the Bush administration – he was repeatedly nominated for bonuses and performance awards, taking in an extra $33,951. In 2005, when he missed more than 400 hours of work, he was given a Presidential Rank Award – with a $28,201 payment." [1] And let me assure you that the Bush administration was not a hoax either.

Just because you frequently quote Nazi's and advocate to "execute all those who voted for OBAMA" that does not mean all deniers are like Nazi's.

However it does exposes a far greater problem... Why would the EPA or any other government agency be paying any ones salary when they are (in this case falsely) claiming to be working for the CIA? It distorts agencies budgets and it would be harder for policy makers and the general public to see if they get value for money and I would have thought it would be an unacceptable security risk if human resources or managers could ask the CIA (and get an answer) "hey is this person working for you?"

EDIT: You seem to have a serious problem with reading for comprehension.

No one is denying that Bealle is a CROOK and a LIAR, however YOU are the one who is inferring he is a PUBLISHED CLIMATE SCIENTIST without ANY evidence for the fact that he is. Put up a link to show that he is a published climate scientist or be considered a LIAR, like Beale.

Stating "the Bush administration is not a hoax", is not blaming Bush. Ironically both Wilds and you are.

The Oregon petition has less than 1% of the scientist agreeing with it. And if you look into it (and you wont) , some of those who did sign are dead, others do not even remember signing it and more then half would not sign it today. [2]

Paul R. Ehrlich was proven wrong, which is different from fraud. I am sure we can all agree it is great that he was proven wrong. Thanks to education, social security and birth control, populations in the industrial world are now stable and some are even declining. Hopefully this will be replicated in the less affluent parts of the world where religion, rather then education still dominates.

C was not shown to support frauds. However YOU have been proven to be a fraud so many times I have lost count. Not only that, like the Nazi's you quote and (using your "logic") support , you advocate genocide and any one on YA who supports you (by awarding you "best answer" or giving you "thumbs up") would by your "logic" support a genocidal fraud. Please make a "note of that"

On a final note; Every so often I come to this site to marvel at the stupidity of the arguments and I would like to thank you, you excelled. ( ?° ?? ?°)

His boss should be fired for approving all those trips overseas. My boss would laugh me out of the office if I tried to tell him I was a CIA agent, but he had to pay my travel expenses.

But then I'm in the private sector where we have to earn the money we spend.

Probably but then again so am I. Egads.

What I get out of all this is that if I was an American I'd be very concerned about the EPA. If you're not concerned because they are doing things you like, then just wait for the day when they are doing stuff you don't like.

You made this story up! It's a lie!

Why hasn't FOX news broadcasted this? (tic)

You'll surely get a page full of "natural climate variability" deniers posting on this one.

Then again, I digress. You may hurt their feelings with this. :-(

Why would a lead EPA person fail to testify in front of the Oversight Committee on "the grounds that it might incriminate them"? I thought these guys were honest about Climate Change?

No he isn't. But don't let that stand in the way of a good ad hom. Ad homs are all you denialists have.

No the 97% was peer review published climate scientists


Sagebrush, and others, if you read Beale's bio you will discover that he is not a scientist. - http://www.eenews.net/stories/1059989515 - So, no, Beale is not "one of those 97% consensus scientist". Nice try at misdirection.
