> Is the lack of Atlantic Hurricanes proof that so-called "global warming" is declining?

Is the lack of Atlantic Hurricanes proof that so-called "global warming" is declining?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You are right. We had to hear their scare tactics from all phony scientists, including Jimmy Hansen. These were repeated over and over again, just as Goebbels prescribed. In fact, the much hated Rush Limbaugh predicted that there would be a reduction in hurricanes and that this unusual activity was just cyclic. Who was right? That non scientific idiot on the radio. Or the highly decorated scientist, Jimmy Hansen? As history proves the amateur outdid the slimy professional. The greenies made their bed and now refuse to lie in it.

No. And a poll jsut released by USA Today shows 86 percent of Americans know climate change is real.

The number would be even higher except that some so-called "fundamentalist" right-wing groups have turned denial into a religous doctrine and indoctrinated their members. They'll get wise soon enough.

Other than that, the only so-called skeptics" are some mentally-ill conspiracy theorists.

No, there are all sorts of weather that are caused by global warming other than hurricanes (the severe tornado season last year in tornado alley), the Snowstorm in New York last year, the drought in California, the hurricane that hit Hawaii a month ago, The severe cold storm that the west coast experienced last week.


Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the earth came to be around 4.5 billion years ago. No reason for the cliamte to stop changing now. AND if it did stop changing I would be REALLY concerned.

Ohhh wait, thats not what you mean, is it??? Well then what do you mean??? Anthropogenic climate change? Of course that happens, since the climate is a chaotic system, any changes will affect it.

OHHH do you mean catastrophic climate change??? Thats what you really mean, ain't it. What does the USA Today poll say about this??? Didn't ask that question, did they???

Other global warming experts predicted fewer hurricanes because of upper level wind shear. So, yes, the lack of Atlantic hurricanes is proof of global warming.

Global Warming ended 11/28/2012. Mike

I would be more likely to believe that hurricanes are not caused by global warming. But I don't need to count hurricanes to know that Earth is warming.


And that we are causing it


And that the ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


But, counting hurricanes is so much fun

I think it is proof that those who predicted more hurricanes (alarmists) were wrong. Being wrong is something they are expert at but it never seems to faze them. They keep on acting like they are experts on everything and that we should believe their current predictions and ignore their failed previous predictions.


Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological variables in a given region over long periods of time.

in case you missed that last part, 'over long periods of time.'

The globe not warming is the proof

In 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, global climate scientists stated that Katrina "had a name, and that name was 'Global Warming'". Scientists pumped out hundreds of peer reviewed papers that "proved" that the coming years would give us more and stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic, but since then there have been very few hurricanes, and the ones that did fore were relatively weak storms. How did the best global warming 'scientists' miss their predictions by this much? Should we investigate why climate science is this bad after spending this much money into the science scheme?

The opposite of what you say is true. Stop lying, better yet just STOP
