> Is record Antarctic ice our fault?

Is record Antarctic ice our fault?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The L.A. Times article 'explanation' for the record breaking Antarctic ice extent is so fantastically implausible I don't know why they bother to put it into print. Pure desperation to prop-up the man-made Global Warming SCAM I guess.

They want us to believe that land ice melts during the warm season and the fresh water stays on the ocean surface, without mixing, until it gets cold enough to freeze. I'm thinking any fresh water from the land mass will mix and become salt water within minutes, if not seconds.

But if they want us to believe that a warmer Antarctic causes more sea ice, then they also need to explain why it didn't happen when the world was about 0.5°C warmer around the year 2000. The Alarmists are really squirming and stories they fabricate are getting more and more bizarre.


It doesn't show up after I ask it. I don't think it was reported as it never showed up to begin with.

Why do alarmist climate scientists say that Arctic sea ice is our fault, but record-high Antarctic sea ice is "complicated, tricky business."?

The earth is almost going to reach its "brim" all bcos of us. Humans. Humans is the cause of it. Earth is the cause of humans. U can see this relationship. Okay so we are enjoying in terms of getting whatever resources we need for our daily lives. They are essential to us. But also essential in causing the pollutions in the air. Example we burnt fossil fuels to produce energy to power almost everything around us. It actually releases heat energy + water vapour + carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Warming of the earth, MELTING THE ICRBERGS OF ANTARCTIC. Morever when we contributing to emission of methane through excessive rubbish. Methane is a greenhouse gas. Lastly the unburnt hydrocarbons are emitted from car engines and chemical plants whereby HUMANS are benifiting from it, reacts with nitrogen dioxide in the air to produce ozone N3, a grenhouse gas too. Humans are selfish living creatures so let's face it.

Yeah. I guess the fact that the link to the original question exists on the section index page, which I am blocked from answering but which I can open, means that it was reported and deleted.

Must be those communist alarmists who originally reported the question to have it deleted and reinstated. They are a tricky bunch.

Apparently everything that happens is our fault. AGW alarmists just have to figure out how to make increased ice in the south happening in conjunction with "decreased" ice in the north alarming.

i think antarctic record is ice ,yes ice increased in the south antarctic sea.
