> Is main stream media beginning to think they have been duped about climate change?

Is main stream media beginning to think they have been duped about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This article from the Economist seems to imply this.


No --- they were not duped. The main stream media is the lapdog of every liberal cause. They were and are willing participants in trying to dupe the rest of us. But they failed and are now backtracking away from the man-made Global Warming scam because the evidence has become so overwhelming that the skeptics are right.

They are now just trying to give themselves an exit, and maybe trying to salvage a little credibility but I'm afraid it's far too late for that.


Grifter: You forget, they willingly went along with 'An Inconvenient Truth', which we all now agree was a gigantic lie. Or do you still believe that tripe? You see, that is recent history, which greenies always try to ignore or rewrite. But the facts are there and are refutable. All your comment shows that you are full of prunes. History is your enemy.

In direct answer to your question:

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Environmental disaster was always a ruse to gain control of our money and liberty, but it was always propaganda and nothing more. Notice, Goebbels explicitly stated, " important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent." And the media along with the greenies on this site have done a good job at repressing dissent. One only needs to look at the thumbs down, blocking and vicious attacks perpetrated by the greenies on this site to see Goebbels' principle in action.

Notice Goebbels also states, "The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie." Now obviously the truth is stronger than that shield. Notice how the greenies defend this on this very site. They are going down, but it will not be without a fight. For they are a courageous group of individuals, who have no shame. They will be caught in a lie then add another lie on top of that. An honest individual will back off and either admit it, apologize for it, or go off in shame for such actions. But not the greenies. They are tenacious for twisting fact and outright lying.

But you see, little by little the truth is coming clear. In the media, these are all college educated men and women. Their main courses were in the liberal arts, taught by pot smoking communist leaning college professors, who spewed Global Warming as gospel. Some of these people, obviously, are honest hearted and won't continue with the lie once it is clearly exposed. These are the ones you are referring to in your question. The greenies on this site are mostly on a payroll and will spew any sort of garbage that will keep them there.


Edit: And now this from Reuters: http://www.trust.org/item/20130621120648...

@Big Gryph: I guess you better stop reading Reuters now as well. And congratulations on blocking me and then asking a question about how stupid it is block people.

No they are not. The fact is, they were duped by the professions deniers and publishing bullsh*t as a result. Late in 2012 they began printing stories that illustrated some truth about man made GW

The economist has printed some articles on the denier side that amounted to little more than lies and misinformation. So I won't bother checking the link...it is likely more of the same.

Selling and advertising

Very surprised at this, The Economist is a left wing journal and as such would be expected to be sympathetic to the Global Warming idea.

It takes an editorial stance of classical and economic liberalism which is supportive of free trade, globalisation, free immigration and a few socially liberal causes (such as supporting legal recognition for gay marriage).

Gryph http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Ec...

Global Warming is what it is :http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2l...

0.14 Celsius warming in 35 years is making them mindless!


No because ultimately they have to do what their owners want and their owners want to perpetuate the hoax for their own, and their cronies ends.

Mainstream media is only concerned about selling papers/advertising, only a moron like you would trust them

This article from the Economist seems to imply this.
