> Is it possible to stop all bushfires from starting?

Is it possible to stop all bushfires from starting?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No it isn't possible to stop all bushfires from starting but there are prevention measures that will individual fires from starting. Many jurisdictions place controls on open burning during warmer periods. This is done to prevent fires from escaping and causing bushfires. Where I live on bad fire days, use of some equipment such as welders is banned in the open to prevent bushfires. Fire investigation is a form of prevention. It may not have prevented the fire being investigated but it just might lead to an arsonist being caught, preventing another bushfire from being lit. Dividers on power lines can prevent them from contacting and sparking during windy conditions. Keeping grass cut along roadsides will reduce the chance of ignitions from hot exhausts

There are a whole lot of things people can do to prevent fires but as another answers alludes, fire in the landscape is a natural part of many ecosystems. Preventing all fire may not be desirable. Many jurisdictions conduct hazard reduction burns. This has a number of benefits. Firstly, doing a controlled burn reduces the amount of available fuel if a wildfire does occur in the future, this in turn reduces the intensity of the wildfire. Secondly, the controlled burn may assist in the ecological functions that fire has in a particular area.

Rather than trying to prevent all fires, people who live in bushfire prone areas should learn better how to live with fire in the landscape. This can include a mix of prevention and reducing the impacts of fire. Providing a cleared area around homes (an asset protection zone if you live in Australia or a home ignition zone in the USA) reduces the chances of home ignition through direct flame contact and radiant heat. Carefully choosing non-combustible building materials and carefully considering landscaping around the home, position of wood piles etc will reduce the chances of home ignition as a result of ember attack. Having an understanding of fire behaviour can arm a home owner with knowledge that allows them to actively defend their property if they are at home when a fire front comes through.

It is impossible. Also, it goes against nature. Take for instance, the giant Sequoia tree. It relies on forest fires to reproduce. Instead of a flammable based sap, it has a water based sap that will quell fires. These fires are started by nature itself. They usually are started by lightning. Also, these fires can start when fallen trees and brush are not groomed away. When this brush and debris are not groomed properly, they become one big compost pile. When the LEL gets high enough, any warm day will cause ignition. Even as low as 90 degrees F.

Best of success on your project.

No, it isn't possible because bushfires are a natural occurrence. They allow for new trees to grow from the ash, and so nature makes them occur.

I guarantee that you can't stop all of the bush fires.

That is impossible, unless you control lightning.

I am doing a school assignment and I was wondering if it was possible to stop all brushfires from starting as it is one of many questions that I have to answer.If someone could answer this as quickly as possible that would be great. Thanks