> Is It Actually Possible To Prevent Global Warming?

Is It Actually Possible To Prevent Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The sun is 1,300,000 times the size of Earth. Think about it.

It's very awesome that the Earth has been maintaining an average temperature within 2C for tens of thousands of years. Temperature fluctuates from year to year by as much as 0.5C. I doubt that science will ever really be able to explain it. They mainly use a supercomputer that tries to emulate it, but to this date they still have a hard time predicting anything. When they can predict a hurricane coming and is a month away from forming, then I might start believing in computer models. Until then, they mean absolutely nothing to people.

Then we have delusional people like Big Gryph who do have faith in climate modeling. He has ceased to amaze me with that faith, but I'm sure he will continue in his belief system. March on Gryph! The IP CC is going to need some more help soon. They need more Hollywood Production Managers to work on those climate models. Enjoy! :-)

The way I understand it, volcanoes pollute more in three days more than society does in 30 years. Then with them wanting to pick on CO-2 as an identified enemy of the land, makes me want to grab my gut and head at the same time! That one emphasis alone dooms any real progress in atmospheric responsibility. CO-2 is the cleanest and most helpful by product of human life and living there is. What is true of CO-2 as with O-2, is that they are easily measured and detected. Both of them have been attacked for no good reason, in my simple opinion. This misaiming only causes us to slip backwards in any real positive cleaning of the atmosphere. Years ago it was freon, but its corrosive offspring chlorine was given a pass in comparison. But face it. Chlorine, as nasty as it is, has actually done a lot in keeping infectious bacteria in check, yet unreported to the public was its damaging affect to the ionosphere and freon was taken off the market instead.

Not really. It is all a natural process, and the planet is too big to keep as neatly as your garden. Nevertheless, there are those who are making an awful lot of money out of the belief that Global Warming can be controlled, and if they are paid a lot of money to allow a windmill to be planted on their land it will save either the planet or their pension fund.

Not yet no, but then 200 years from now we'll have technology that would seem like magic to us. This is what drives me mad about global warming alarmists; the most severe of their predictions are extrapolated centuries into the future. Now aside from the fact that that makes them unreliable since you cannot extrapolate any trend indefinitely like that. I mean if you extrapolated my growth rate from birth to my 1st birthday right through to now, I'd be about 25 feet tall. But my main problem is that they assume this will be a problem. That's just absurd on so many levels.

In 200 years we will be all over this solar system and probably in the early stages of developing interstellar travel. Do they really think fixing the weather, while fantastical to us, would be a challenge for a mature 23rd century civilisation? That's what's silly about this. The problems that our descendants will face centuries from now, will not be the problems we face today. We could not even begin to predict what problems they might face. What you have, is an early 21st century mindset trying to solve a 21st century problem, in the 23rd century, with 21st century means. In 1813 do you think anyone predicted the internet? Or worldwide global travel? Or unmanned drones? Or smartphones?

So yes I think it will be possible to prevent or undo global warming. We can't do it. But to our descendants it will probably be quite trivial. Controlling the weather wouldn't be a challenge to a society that terraforms entire planets.By the time global warming becomes a problem (if trends actually held continuously for centuries) then it just won't be a problem for them. It'll be something they can fix without breaking a sweat.

Which would be easier, stop a hurricane or the earth's temperature climb? A hurricane has less energy than the earth's atmosphere. So it would only be reasonable that it is easier for man to control a hurricane. Once they have proven they can do that, I will start believing they might be able to control the earth's temperature.

No. climates have always warmed and have always cooled in the past and will continue to do so in the future regardless of what humanity believes it is capable of.

Global warming is already here and has been for some time. Our access to media accentuates our knowledge therefore making us believe it's relatively new. The only way it can be stopped is by jumping in our time machine and making the last generation more CO2 savy.

Boy those first three answers are obviously from rocket scientists who don't know jack about GW

AGW is already here and can't be stopped anytime soon. The accumulative greenhouse gases humans have emitted since the industrial revolution will insure that AGW will go beyond 2100

What we can do is reduce our individual carbon footprints, move rapidly towards alternative power sources such as wind, solar and geothermal, ignore the lame arguments of the moronic DA deniers and encourage our family, friends, classmates and coworkers to do the same. This will give some hope for the future and reduce some of the effects of AGW

Man cannot stop the waves on the oceans much less

the climate and the weather .

People can't control the weather, much less the climate.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

You cannot prevent something that has started.

Yes, there are a couple of ways to change the heat absorption of the atmosphere. Add different gases, stick a big mirror space, or set up a project to reduce co2.

They're all doable, just expensive, and the consequences could be unforeseen.

We can certainly stop unnatural global warming. We should leave nature alone. Anyways, Earth began its 100,000 years of cooling 6,000 years ago.


It has been happening for millions of years and will continue to happen for millions after we are long gone. Be more afraid of meteor strikes and war.

No. Just embrace it.

Please define 'Global Warming'.