> If global warming continues will it end like the day after tomorrow movie?

If global warming continues will it end like the day after tomorrow movie?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. That’s a movie and in Hollywood you can do pretty much anything you want, the real world is very different. The world does not, and can not, operate as depicted in the movie for the simple reason that there is no mechanism that allows for the rapid loss or gain of heat.

A body can only loose or gain heat in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, in order for something to cool rapidly there has to be a mechanism that quickly removes the heat energy and nothing like this exists on the planet or anywhere in the known universe.

What the movie does is to take a hypothesis and take it to the impossible and illogical extreme – it makes for a good movie but appalling science.

The theory the move is based on is that ice melting in the Arctic flows into the seas and oceans, this meltwater is cooler and less dense than the saltwater in the oceans, if it encounters the Gulf Stream then it could disrupt the flow of the ocean current. The current could be diverted off course, it could truncate, diverge, overturn or even stop completely. There is no evidence to suggest this will, or even could, happen – it’s just a theory.

Even if it did happen, it would be a slow process over many years.

The worst-case scenario (extremely unlikely and never before known) is that the Gulf Stream stops. This current would then cease to transport warm waters from the Caribbean across the Atlantic to the shores of northern Europe. The UK would be hit the hardest and over the course of about five years the average temperature would fall by about 7°C. This would mean that cities such as London would then have a climate more similar to other places at the same sort of latitude – New York for example.

The worst that could happen is that some places cool down, not remotely like the way it’s shown in the movie.

Climate Change Scientists Kick The Fear Mongering Into Overdrive, Claim Global Warming Like “Four Hiroshima Bombs Every Second.

Climate scientists have given figures of rising and changing climate. These figures are almost like a warning that states that escalating temperatures are equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs in a week.

They've completely attributed the condition to human actions. This is not an unknown fact that humans have been emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in this era. This is far more emissions released during any period in history.

``All these heat-trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere mean ... our planet has been building up heat at the rate of about four Hiroshima bombs every second - consider that going continuously for several decades", John Cook, Climate Communication Fellow from the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland said.


“Carbon Tax”

Global warming fear mongers throw every scare tactic in the book in order to achieve their ultimate dream – a carbon tax. Stu & Pat play the amazing audio of a so-called expert and refute every one of them. Check out the alarmist debunking from radio in the clip below.


That is what the movie was intended to do. Scare the pants off of you and so you will give up your liberties and money.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

—Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

So don't be so easily manipulated by obvious propaganda. That is what the originators want you to believe. It is designed to influence you that way.

Quote by Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

No. That movie is Science fiction. Things would never be that fast. Those events could happen, but over centuries.

However, if too much of the ice caps melt, the oceans will rise. Even if it is by 1 foot, just think of the damage that could cause.

The movie was sped up to gain popular interest. Climate change can be rapid, on an Earth-scale. Might take months, years, decaes, centuries. Might see some changes in your time. Enjoy the ride, do what you can to not exacerbate the situation. Don't be scared, but smart.

Nope. The science in that movie is so bad it can't even be called science fiction. It's a disaster movie with an impossible disaster.

Kinda like Godzilla movies.

No LOL Besides there has not been warming for the last 15 years.

Its a science fiction movie like Al Gores movie nothing in it will come true .

No. That was a science fiction movie, although less fictional than the fossil fuel industry lies routinely spouted by half the Fake-Tea-Party Imbecile (ex Republican) Party.

For one thing, the movie got the Joule-Thompson effect backwords. It is when a gas ondegoes a rapid expansions that its temperature undergoes little change.


A new ice age requires cooling and it takes 100,000 years to reach its maximum extent.

Hi i watched this move in school called the day after tomorrow and i was woundering if global warming gets worse will it end just like that movie where the temperature will drop so rapidly that human will freeze to death instantly and cant move and 3 massive hurricane will come from north pole and form into 1 masive hurricane the size of euro asia which is what it said in the movie and end all life. Im so scared after watching that movie is it really gonna end that way.

Yes, any day now. That is why Al Gore sold Current TV to Al Jazera so he can go live in the desert in a 52 room mansion and not have to worry about being flooded with water.

It's sad that you don't know the difference between fantasy and reality

