> In the Global Warming category, don't you think the advocates for Global Warming rely on the stupidity of the public

In the Global Warming category, don't you think the advocates for Global Warming rely on the stupidity of the public

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All liberal advocacy relies on the ignorance of the public. That's why they want to dumb-down and propagandize our kids, it's the only way they can win.

Just look at some of the really dumb things Alarmists say: They want you to believe that warming causes cooling --- they want you to believe that the 'missing heat' is hiding in the bottom of the oceans. All of their climate models are laughable failures. And the more they fail the louder they screech. Now they are predicting the end of the human species because of man-made Global Warming --- of which there has been NONE for more than 18 years. And the small amount of natural warming we had was well within the envelope of what it normal.

Gruber is a liberal/Leftist and lies and deception has always been their main stock and trade.


I agree with graphicc.. and would add that it is sad that what worked in the USSR is working in the USA. Countries such as England that have a long history of nobility have a tendency for its population to be very compliant and willing to go along with what the government tells them. I respect conservative and or free thinking British that much more because they have risen above the brain washing. Where you have government controlled media and fewer freedoms, you tend to have a larger percentage of the population believing in AGW. Clearly, the government depends on the gullibility of its population. Obama stated with a straight face that there would be shovel ready jobs, that you could keep your doctor, that you would pay less for medical insurance, etc. Boehner isn't much better. They really do believe the people are stupid. When you hear someone demean the tea party, you can bet that they are a complete brainwashed drone. The tea party is just a bunch of people who have had enough of the lies and they aren't all conservative either. They are just fed up.

They rely more on the money flow. It's a huge investment for them. They don't have a very good business model (it's not a profitable adventure) nor can they even create very good climate models, so they have to create the illusion that they ("in fact") know what they are talking about. More like a shell game to convince gullible Government types. Government seems to be in business for themselves instead of helping us govern ourselves. Trying to run a Government as a business (socialism and communism) is the most asinine idea I've ever heard of. It has been tried by Adolph Hitler and Julius Caesar and it doesn't work.

I think they really need money to pay the carnies in their "Climate Clown Circus". I heard they tried to call it "The Al Gore and Michael Mann's Flying CO2 Circus", but I think they were threatened with a lawsuit by Monte Python.

Clearly this was a denier closed shop question but for those that look at it and don't have closed minds

Science is driving this Sagebush is just spouting denier catch phases he and others here have used many times note he offers nothing to back his claims as all he could have offered are denier blogs.

Take this rant as an example

"All of their climate models are laughable failures"

Deniers have for quite a long time tried to claim climate models are a failure or that we have fallen bellow all the IPCC climate models, both statements are utter fiction.

2014 is about to be one of the warmest, if the warmest year on record.

Look at the IPCC models and you find we are actually running near the top edge of the IPCC climate models.


We are around 0.6c above the mean which on the above graph is near the top of the estimates.

Look at sea level and you get the same thing, actual measured rise is shown in red


I have asked most if not all of the above denier parrots many times to show anything that backs this claim of failed predictions, I'm still waiting for a real answer. Those like Jimbo and graphicmisconception would rather play out their cold war fantasies.

We need to recognise that there is more going on in the world than we may realise. The old-fashioned business of waging war on a country so that you can impose your will is no longer necessary if you are clever enough. The Russian secret services learn all about subversion.

One of the steps is to reduce the general ability of the enemy by dumbing down its population. You can do this by displacing the important subjects, like mathematics and physics, with more "touchy-feely" ones. Ones that will welcome change and diversity not ones that could make better weapons or be better at adversarial games like chess.

After that you could use science to browbeat the populace because they will not be able to see through the deception. This certainly seems to be happening in the UK. If you ask a school leaver to put 0.3, a third and 33% in order they really struggle. Many just give up, even with a calculator.

The attached video is an hour long but I found it interesting to discover that the subversion process was well-understood and all its stages could be taught.

Ordinary people simply don't care about global warming anymore. It regularly comes in last in polls of what public issues concern people.

They claim 50 million climate refugees, more hurricanes, buildings underwater. All false meant to scare people.

They claim green jobs. They know it will lead to less jobs, but they need to sell the public. It is part of their 'framing'. They instruct people to talk about green jobs.

Then they will claim it will save you money, just as Obama said 'your premiums will not go up, not one single dime.'

Of course. Anyone who understands science knows that there's no such thing as "consensus science" and understands if you have to believe the science, then by definition it's faith, not science. People do want to take care of the environment, and this cause just exploits the good nature of people as a means to funnel more money into the hands of charlatans.

They must be, because they keep making unbelievable statements, our children wont know what snow is, all this snow is because of climate change, climate change is the most important concern the Earth faces, Arctic sea ice summer free by 2013, 2015, 2030, the latest, rising sea levels could make florida beachfront properties worthless, crops will fail and people starve.

Really they must believe we are unbelievably stupid to fall for it.

Not really.

There's a minor yet very vocal part of the public which has such high levels of stupidity that these so-called 'advocates' could not wish for a better opponent.


Considering the denialists are the epitome of stupidity, What do you think?

Deniers are proof that stupidity is rampant in modern society.