> Idea to stop global warming using robot?

Idea to stop global warming using robot?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming ended in 2012. Confirmed 11/28/2012. Mike

Yes we need an organic robot that synthesizes CO2 into carbon and oxygen by using solar radiation (no fuel costs) it also should increase in size using the carbon to manufacture more bulk, if it was self replicating it would help,

Oh wait there are some, they are called trees.

Yes, this is a brilliant idea. Keep up the good work, and you may one day receive the Nobel Peace Prize!

there are synthetic trees which make fuel from sunlight.

Yes, do away with EVIL man. We all produce CO2 just by breathing, even Al Gore. Imagine that!

Quote by Christopher Manes, a writer for Earth First! journal: "The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing."

Just imagine, your grandchild could be R2D2!

The profits of those who sell energy must be protected. Many corporations have more money than any government does..