> I have an idea to stop Global Warming?

I have an idea to stop Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It would work if your sewer system doesn't outlet into to the ocean. That won't be the case for people who can get a bucket of water from the ocean. Also, we have 361 million km^2 of ocean. The volume of 7 billion buckets is say 70 billion gallons, which is 26 million m^3 out of 361 million million m^2 or 26 out of 361 million m so about one ten thousandths of a mm you have lowered the sea level.

Meanwhile sea level rises a few mm per year. So if every man, woman, and child did 30-100 buckets per day, you would stop sea level rise.

Don't mean to denigrate your idea though. There was a drop in sea level a few years back that was attributed to ocean water going into aquifers and reservoirs for drinking water.

Aside from what everyone else is pointing out--that the water would go back into the ocean eventually, leading to no net change--I'll note that this doesn't solve global warming itself, just one probable aftereffect of global warming. There are a *lot* of problems that global warming causes.

Why fight nature? I say, take a page from nature's book & build your houses & communities like a barnacle; sturdy protection whether the water raises or lowers.

For myself in Kansas, I don't feel affected by the coastline. I want to build communities that will be efficient & comfortable whether the prairie turns into a blazing desert or a glaciated wilderness.

Change WILL happen. Don't fight it, embrace it!

Your a little late/ Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. Mike

You are aware that the sink water is released back into the sea isn't it :p If not we would drown from our sinks overflowing or the soil saturating.

no this won't work it is impossible to reduce global warming in that way.

And where do you think your sink and toilet wasted water ends? Does it go to a black hole?

A quote from Idiocracy in response to the question of how they would deal with nuclear spills.

"Why don't we put toilet water on it?"

There is no global warming , Its a scam

Okay so I saw a documentary that showed tat global warming is making our sea levels rise and that might make cities near ocean coasts sink. Now I have an idea that we should reduce the sea level before it rises and sinks everything. How about if people who live in the coasts volunteer to each take a bucket of water each and pour down their sink. The wiseacre level would get lower but when global warming raises it again it would be normal and cities won't drown?

Wills this work if it were to take place?

It's a better solution than cap and trade.

That is ridiculous Use your head

While we are at it, let's all open up our all of our doors and windows and turn on the AC.

too expensive