> How will North America, South America, Europe and Africa experience climate change by 2100. Rank by the severity of the

How will North America, South America, Europe and Africa experience climate change by 2100. Rank by the severity of the

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
By man made climate change (4) I do not believe any damaging consequences will occur, why because I do not think CO2 can warm our planet much if any at all, and also because I believe some warming would be beneficial, life generally thrives when it is warmer, and suffers during cold periods.

Climate Realist says a 1m rise in sea level, well okay but at current rate of rise, sea level will increase by 5.7inches by 2100. hardly worrying.

interesting that asia is not on the list. it is where a lotof humans live..

africa did suffer a lot thousands of years ago with climate induced expansion of the sahara desert.

changes in precipitation patterns will affect a lot of western north americans.

sea levels will be more disastrous for poorer countries. it can be costly, but holland shows you can beat sea levels. some plans even include closing the strait of gibraltar to save many meditaranean cities.

given the density of population, my take would be europe, then north america at the top.

You can start by looking at research articles that talk about cocoa and banana plantations in Africa, as those are crops that have a very sensitive geographical range. A good example for north america is the Beech tree, which will soon find itself in areas of canada that its never been seen before. There are also articles for south america detailing banana plantations.

The big effect will probably be sea level rise.

A 1 m rise of sea level will inundate 1,810 square km of land in Gujarat, 1,220 square km in West-Bengal, 670 square km in Tamil Nadu, 550 square km in Andhra Pradesh, 480 square km in Orissa, 410 square km in Maharashtra, 290 square km in Karnataka, 160 square km in Goa, and 120 square km in Kerala


Climate change happen every day. There is no such thing as a static climate.

Discuss how North America, Europe, Africa, and South America will experience climate change by 2100. Rank the four continents on the basis of the severity of the consequences of climate change they may experience (1= most severe, 4= less severe) Give reasons to support the rankings