> How to stop global warming?

How to stop global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Things you can do to help:

1. Reduce waste. Anything you use took energy to make or process, and energy to transport it to you, and at least some of that energy was probably from fossil fuels like coal and oil. So, the less you waste, and thus the less you use, the less energy is used on your behalf

2. Drive less. Walk, take a bus, or ride your bike when you can to visit friends or go to work or school, instead of driving or having someone drive you. When you do have to drive somewhere, see if you can arrange a carpool so that fewer cars are needed, and/or arrange to do all your driving in one trip.

3. Buy environmentally friendly things. Buy recycled, buy local, buy "green". Not every "green" thing really is better for the environment (sometimes it's just a marketing gimmick), but if you're intelligent and careful, you can reduce your environmental impact by buying things that were made from re-used materials, or didn't have to be transported as far, or that are made with readily renewable resources like most plant fibers. Doing any of those things will tend to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

4. Learn more, and share with others. You may not be able to do the "big" things yourself (like set government policy, or switch the power company to renewable energy sources), but you can learn about them. And once you have learned about them, you can write letters, and get your friends to write letters, urging the relevant people (your government representatives, the power company, and so forth) to take appropriate action.

GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT REAL! Global warming has been scientifically disproven. Global warming is also called Agenda 21 (think about that!). Global warming is a global agenda to bring about world wide communism. People must get ride of pollution producing cars, houses that use too much energy, etc. Eventually we will be expected to live in tiny apartments, keep only a days supply of food, hang our clothes out the windows, etc. I have even seen elementary school presentations where kids are shown images of "dream" villages with apodmnets, and no personal vehicles, little personal property; a place to be born, grow old, die, and perhaps never leave. Its frightening that people believe in this phony concept so easily.

Go public school!!!!!

You appear to be serious in your desire to stave off the further warming of our planet. I hope that you are.

So far, Chad has given you what I believe it is that you were seeking. 50 things that you can do on a personal level.

Now, here is the bad news. We do not stop global warming. Not in the sense that you are looking to do so. Global warming is in process now and the climate will continue to change until it can equalize itself with the greenhouse gases that are now in the atmosphere. Even if we could cease emitting greenhouse gases, the amount of CO2 that exists in the atmosphere now will continue the long term warming trend for a few decades to come. Should enough tipping points be reached before we have brought our CO2 emissions down to a point that the carbon sinks can begin to neutralize the rising levels of the greenhouse gases then any efforts we could make would no longer make any difference. The climate would continue to warm regardless. .. As long as the greenhouse gases continue to climb in our atmosphere the climate will continue to change along with this. The climate will remain a moving target.

Alph gave you very good advise about getting as much education as you possibly can. This is the only way that you will be able to make well reasoned decisions going forward. The denial industry marionnettes prey on the ignorance of others. They appeal to the emotions and ideologies of their audience.

I have one last suggestion for you. The only way that any meaningful efforts can be made is for you to inform your elected representatives that you would never vote for a 21st century representative that only has an 18th century understanding of science. You are not able to cast votes now, but let them understand that you soon will be able to do so.

One last thing. Yahoo Q/A is NOT a place to learn about climate change. This place is heavily populated with those that want to convince you that nothing is happening with the climate beyond the natural variability that does occur within the climate. In one way, they are correct. It is only natural that our adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere will involve the physics concerning this and it will lead to a further changing climate.

Move to Minnesota and you will never thin about global warming again

I just hope everyone checked out Chad's link

All this "CRAP" about global warming & climate change we hear the Obama Administration talking about is just what I said, "CRAP"! I'm 52 yrs old & some winters have been milder & some colder than others. Just like summer, some hotter & drier & some cooler & wetter than others. My Bible tells me we will alwas have winter, spring, summer & fall. All this "CRAP" we hear about global warming & climate change from the Liberal media is propaganda & scare tactics the Socialist Liberals that are in control & trying to control every aspect of is just another way to force "green energy" on "we the people", just like Obamacare. Sorry, I ain't jumping on the global warming bandwagon or the gun control bandwagon. We learned in high school a lot of science is based on predictions , an educated guess, or in this case, an "uneducated guess". By the way, we've had below normal temps in Northwest Tennessee since November.

What you can do is learn the truth. If you did all the things the greenies on this site say to do, you would reduce your pollution by 'X' amount. President Obama would then spew a million times more pollutants on just one of his vacation trips. Al Gore would spew a million times more flying off to give a speech on Global warming. Your government would spew billions more in useless actions. You are mad a this generation. You should be made at the governments of the earth.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

Notice dear old Maurice is not targeting the elite, like himself and his cronies, he is targeting you and me, even though he is a major polluter. They are above the fray by design.

Learn the truth and act on it. That is the best thing you can do.

stay in school as long as possible, all the way to university PhD's and help invent new ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


deny greenhouse gases cause global warming

Your 15yrs old, that means you have experienced no global warming, as temperatures have not risen for 17yrs now, hurricanes are at an all time low, floods and droughts are no more extreme or common now than they have ever been.

Food crop production is up and the planet is greening because of CO2. http://www.seafriends.org.nz/issues/glob...

Worry about your children because of this global warming stupidity, your government is going to ruin your economy and the children will grow up in abject poverty.


Send a hot meal to those folks stuck in the ice studying global warming. Now the ice breaker sent to rescue them is stuck too.

What can i do to help i dont want to harm the world and have my son his son and his son (im 15 not a dad yet) hate my generation because we polute to much, if we gi at the pace we are going it will be hotter n 2050, more diseases, floods, hurricanes ect... all from global warmng, i want to prevent that. It is sad if we do not meet that scale we can prevent most of those harsh pproblems how do I HELP? dont tell me to recycle, dont be cheesy give me big lists of things i can do

Use clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.

What Global Warming? There has been no warming for about 17 years, in fact the globe is COOLING. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

get an approved congress that will do their jobs and control corporations instead of cater to them.

You can make sure your son doesn't become a liberal, then he won't won't become one of those people who hate their own species like most liberals do.


here are 50 tips

the biggest one is use cleaner energy and/or less energy

you can't