> How much global warming was there in the 35 year period from 1910 to year 1945?

How much global warming was there in the 35 year period from 1910 to year 1945?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
those people were completely doomed back then, thank god for the ice age coming in the 1970's

It varies, depending on who is measuring. However the initial IPCC report of 1990 is usually accepted by all. In the Executive Summary it states, "The instrumental record of surface temperatures over the land and oceans remains sparse until after the middle of the nineteenth

century. It is common, therefore, to emphasize trends in the global instrumental record from the late nineteenth century. The record suggests a global (combined land and ocean) average warming of 0.45+0.15°C since the late nineteenth century, with an estimated

small (less than 0.05°C) exaggeration due to urbanisation in the land component. The greater part of the global temperature increase was measured prior to the mid-1940s.

Now in their chart on page 202 (section 7, third chart) shows that most of that increase was before 1900. It also shows that the majority of the increase from 1900 to 1990 was before 1910. After that it shows that the temperature was pretty steady.

This is acknowledged by their statement, "A cooling of the Northern Hemisphere occurred

between the 1940s and the early 1970s, while Southern Hemisphere temperatures remained nearly constant from the 1940s to about 1970."

I would guess, by those observations that it remained steady. Virtually zero increase. Or as Phil Jones would put it, "No statistical evidence of it."

Maxx does it matter to you what people answer? It won't change your mind or any other conservative mind which is already made up. (if you were open minded you would have been a liberal) The only reason I still come here is to read some of the answers by scientist like trevor. You on the other hand will continue to post the video's that have been debunked by the scientist featured in them after you have been shown that they have.

Feel free to thumb my answer down, or even report it, after all it has little bearing on the question that you asked. It doesn't matter, I have learned all I wanted to learn in this section of yahoo answers, which was trying to understand the religious conservative mind set when it is confronted with science. And thank you, you have been a great help.

If there was a mechanical thermometer in the middle of every cubic mile and 100 miles up around the whole planet during that time period and a reading was taken every hour, then I might be able to give you a very precise measurement at almost every level up to 100 miles above the surface for all of those years that you requested. If I did the same thing below the surface all of the way to the core during that time period, then I could give you an even better answer. They didn't have satellites, sonar, or even sounding equipment back then that gave temperature measurements either, so you are SOL!



Anyone who thinks they are giving a precise measurement of how much warming happened in those years is pulling your leg, especially if you are relying on an average temperature with the limited measuring capacity we had between 1910 and 1945. You are relying on a big stretch of science's imagination. Satellite data has become the most reliable source of temperature to date. There has been no measurable warming for 16 years according to satellite data (and weather balloon data).


While the IPCC claims that a large temperature increase occurred between 1977 and the turn of the century (presumably based mainly on sea surface temperatures (SST), recent SST data published by Viktor Gouretski and John Kennedy in Geophysical Research Letters (2012) and the latest Ocean Heat Content (OHC) data from the National Oceanic Data Center (NODC) show only a minor warming between 1975 and 2000, Hadley NMAT data show nearly the same results. In short, SST and NMAT show a ~zero difference between 1942 and 1995, while OHC showed a difference of less than 0.1 C. These comparisons are summarized below.

?Global land-based surface temperature differences (UN-IPCC)= approx. 0.5C

?However, U.S. land-based surface temp. differences (NASA-GISS) = approx. zero

?Sea surface temperature differences (Victor Gouretski-GRL, 2012)= approx. zero

?Nighttime marine air temp (NMAT) differences (Hadley Center)= approx. zero

?Ocean heat content differences, 1979-1997… average (NODC)= less than 0.1C

?Atmospheric satellite temp. differences, 1979-1997 (MSU-LT)= approx. zero

?Atmospheric radiosonde temperature differences, 1979-1997= approx. zero

?Proxy sample temperature differences (mostly land surface)= approx. zero

Despite some discrepancies between various data sets, the global temperature differences between 1942 and 1997 are small to none – except for land-based thermometer data outside the U.S. This disparity with your warming premise demands an explanation – as do the much larger in trends of the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere.

Further, satellites show atmospheric trends that are smaller than surface trends – even though atmospheric theory (and the models incorporating that theory), show the opposite. Instead, models predict that there should be an “amplification” of the surface warming trend to produce a “hot spot” in the tropical troposphere. Instead, both satellite data and independent balloon data show a near-zero trend from 1979 to 1997, followed by a well-known 1998 temp “spike” which is universally attributed to a Super-El- Ni?o. This absence of an observed hot spot suggests that the land-surface temperature warming trend (1979-1997) is greatly over-estimated, and should be close to zero in the Tropics.


The Global trend of temperature increase from 1978 to present is here : http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2l...

0.14 Celsius

Global Warming started in the 1970's by A Alien Organism or so we found out in 2008 after searching the planet. I proved to 350 million people by showing a experiment others can use safely that our environment is, has been and always will be safe as long as man does'nt try to change nature with Climate change. Latest info =I emailed my Triple Output to a hostile Nation last year 2012. In July 2012 the hostiles implemented my solution and in November 28 all Satelites reported that ICE was accumulating on different parts of Earth, but not necessarily same locations as before. Since that point My Global Teams from all walks of life and I figure my Triple Output may be the beginning of the end of Global Warming, since U.F.O.'s have been reported by my contacts they have been leaving our oceans with objects attached to them and other contacts say they meet in outer space, circle for a while than head for deep space for 6 hours, then return without the objects attached to them, like maybe their building something out there. I've contacted the Hubble Telescope to check out the areas around earth for something that was'nt there, but is there now. I dont know if there doing it though because my Global Command is all civilian from all walks of life. I figure that with the weather like it is= is to help all new born adjust to cooler weather, since this spring so when fall and winter comes they'll be able to handle the harsher weather we've had when all 4 seasons are returned to normal. MIKE / Global Command

how much global warming relating to solar output occurred between 1910 to 1945?


How much global warming relating to solar output occurred between 1978 and present?


OOPS! Looks like you're at it again. Ignoring data and coming to the conclusions, based on your the limited amount of data that supports it. You are in error. And that isn't even including the effects of the PDO. Stop cherry picking. Part of the warming in the earlier period you gave was due to increasing solar activity. Present solar activity has been declining and has been since the late 1950s.

Answer: A very similar amount when comparing both. Do I get best answer?


Maxx: Are you completely blind? Solar activity was FALLING during this recent warming. You are making yourself look more like a fool with every post. And it doesn't surprise me that, once again, you are lying about giving best answer to the first person that answered correctly.

High solar activity =/= rising solar activity



I’ve got some bad news for you. You were hoping that the 1978-2013 period would show less warming than the 1910-1945 period, it doesn’t.

It looks like there’s a problem with the graphs generated on the Wood For Trees website that you linked to. It’s supposed to show HadCRUT3 and HadCRUT4 but as soon as I saw it I knew it was wrong. I checked my data and that confirmed my suspicions. I re-downloaded the data from source and that confirmed my data were correct.

This is what the graph should look like, please note that it’s direct from the source:


Here’s my version of it:


HadCrut 3 vs. HadCrut 4 - 1910 to 1945



How much global warming was there in the approximate 35 year period from 1978 to present?

HadCrut 3 vs. HadCrut 4 - 1978 to Present


BEST ANSWER goes to whoever answers both questions correctly first.
