> How long before Vietnam has to start buying snowplows because of globull warming?

How long before Vietnam has to start buying snowplows because of globull warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


Yeah, who would expect snow in winter in high mountain areas?

That's right, deniers say that because of global warming there should never be snow again anywhere in the world. I'm pretty sure they have a grainy video of Al Gore saying that in Slovenia that proves it.

A skeptic would have checked how often snow falls in this area rather then blindly follow what a climate science denier tells them. Of course if this snow was rare and does become a regular event it would be a change of climate and a reasoned explanation (as opposed to "goddidit") why the climate is changing would be appreciated.

According to denialists, global warming means that it should never snow anywhere, and yet somehow the ice in Greenland and Antarctica isn't supposed to melt and the polar bears will thrive.

It gets cold in winter. And global warming destabilizes the climate and weather patterns.

You tell us, you are the one constantly linking to iceagenow.info, a site run by a nutjob who claims the magnetic reversals of the poles will lead to an ice age.

Snow is proof that the planet is getting warmer. Don't you know that?

not likely

no way

