> How long according to the IPCC will equilibrium climate sensitivity ECS take?

How long according to the IPCC will equilibrium climate sensitivity ECS take?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Who knows? It could take a long time, particularly if ice melt is slow.

C - Prove 800 ppm CO2 will cause a runaway green house effect. No where in history has this ever happened when CO2 levels were much higher than that. Runaway green house effect means there is a point of no return and climates have always returned to glacial periods in the past.


LOL, evidently not. I am always entertained when people like Gary F calls me a liar for stating that alarmism is occurring and people are claiming runaway warming.

C just said runaway warming. Right here for all to see. So warmers... Why are you not correcting him. Why are you not telling him that doubling CO2 to 800 ppm would only lead to an increase of only 2.5-4.5 degrees. You are more than willing to call me a liar for pointing out the TRUTH!!!

C didn't get the memo that deniers are the only ones making exaggerated statements about runaway global warming.

If CO2 doubles that would be @ 800ppm not 560 We would have runaway GW long before that and a couple billion people would die from lack of food and water

"many centuries".

Hint: if you want to know what blogs say, read blogs. If you want to know what the IPCC report says ...

assuming a doubling of CO2 to 560ppm

I ask because I read these two statements on a blog and wondered if they are true

"Equilibrium climate sensitivity is a measure of the global warming to be expected in 1000-3000 years’ time in response to a doubling of CO2 concentration, regardless of how that doubling came about".

The effects of a CO2 doubling aren’t felt until 1000 years later? So if we hit 560 ppm we’ll in theory get 2.5°C of warming. But only 1.25°C will happen in the first 200 years?