> How is anthropogenic global warming and the feminist code of equality based socialism related?

How is anthropogenic global warming and the feminist code of equality based socialism related?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Great video !! People that support and advocate socialism should watch it to see what kind of monster it is that they support. Mr. Bezmenov has seen socialism from the inside and he has experienced the contrast between socialism and the capitalistic American system. He defected from Russia, I think, because he saw how evil that system really is. In one part of the interview he states that there are CURRENTLY about 30 million political prisoners in Russia --- that's about the entire population of Canada.

To answer your question --- the man-made Global Warming SCAM is a promoter of world socialism, that is it's TRUE goal. The idea is to undermine individual rights, especially property rights which are abhorrent to any fully socialized system. The idea is to enslave the population and make your existence as one that has only one purpose --- to serve the state. A 'citizen' under socialism has no rights, their only purpose is to serve the state, pay exorbitant taxes and fight the wars.

But socialism is a GREAT LIFE if you are one of the few elites at the top of the system. It's a life of privilege and wealth. But to enjoy it you have to be able to ignore the tyranny that the general population is exposed to. Apparently Mr. Bezmenov was not able to do that, so he defected.

Good for you Mr. Bezmenov and thanks for your story that will hopefully open the eyes of some.


They are both scams to divide people and so when there is a vacuum of clear power then socialism can rush in to save the day. It is a tried and proven method. Just look at Russia. As history shows, a divided people are more susceptible to Socialism.

Quote by Gus Hall, former leader of the Communist Party USA: "Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible."

Quote by David Brower, a founder of the Sierra Club: "The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope."

Neither is understood by conservatives, yet they feel the need to comment on both things and fail miserably to say anything worth hearing.

I cannot see any connection personally.