> How do the Reptilians manage to make summers longer in the Arctic?

How do the Reptilians manage to make summers longer in the Arctic?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Space heaters. Lots and lots of space heaters.

The Reptilians use their superior Alien technology to warm the planet to how they like it. Dammed those Reptoids. Their always pulling tricks like that.

By giving very long winded speeches.

OK! That just makes the summers seem longer.

They don't. Reality is what we perceive it to be. If someone controls that reality, say, from some other hollow moon-based dimensions, the will control oru reality.

"for the first. there is no such thing as summer in the arctic."

(a) june 21 to sept 20

(b) https://www.google.com/search?q=arctic+a...

Ahhhh, lots more time to warm in the sun.

Hibernate all winter.



See, that's the difference.

"warmers" go look stuff up.

"deniers" complain.

Edit: "for the second, there is no such thing as reptilians."


Oh my. It appears that they just put on warm clothes.

And, of course, burn more fossil fuel.

They demand it.

please stay of any cheap drugs you are currently on - they are affecting your communication skills
