> How can people claim that global warming is taking place? Explain?

How can people claim that global warming is taking place? Explain?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1) Observational evidence and scientific readings from just about every country on Earth show that the temperature has risen, particularly in the last 30 years. It varies from place to place but the overall average is a little under 1°C.

2) The science behind global warming tells us that it has to happen if we add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Put simply, these gases retain heat and the more of them there are the more heat will be retained. We’ve added more than a trillion tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere. The laws of science dictate it must warm.

3) Almost every point on Earth is monitored from space, temperature is just one of many things that are observed. These data have been streaming back to us since the 1970’s and we have billions and billions of readings. This not only tells us that the world is warmer but we can pinpoint just where the warming is happening, when, by how much etc.

4) Back on Earth we can see many effects for ourselves. Half the world’s glaciers outside the Polar region have melted, plants and animals are moving into new (warmed) habitats, the Arctic ice-cap is rapidly shrinking, glaciers are advancing. Floods, droughts and heatwaves are all more common.

5) The mechanisms by which warming occur can be mathematically and scientifically demonstrated. Almost any basic science lab has the equipment needed to replicate the process of warming, everybody can observe it happening for themselves.

Because the places getting warmer are bigger than the places getting colder.

Basic phsyics says doubling CO2 makes warmer the planet by 1.2C.

Tried to avoid being full of sentences here.

"some regions on Earth are experiencing decreases in average global temperature."

Oh? Where might that be?

Over what % of the earth?


Starting in 1950, average temps in Australia have been climbing pretty consistently.

Check the chart 1/4 of the way down in the webpage.


See wikipedia.

They look at the average global temperature averagd over a few years.

Global Warming only warmed, but Global Warming ended in 2012. Mike

We dig up fossil fuels and burn them in an atmosphere containing oxygen.

This produces CO2, which is a greenhouse gas that prevents heat escaping into space.

Adding additional CO2 to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels traps additional heat. Therefore our planet must get warmer unless the laws of thermodynamics are wrong and energy can actually vanish.


This is for science homework. Make it short, not with full of sentences. At least 3-5 sentences.

More info about this: some regions on Earth are experiencing decreases in average global temperature. Other regions on Earth are experiencing increases in average global temperatures.