> How aerosol can affect climate?

How aerosol can affect climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Aerosol is one kind of CFC gases mixtures...

It damages our ozon layer...

For this reason excess amount UV ray come our earth...

When people think of aerosols they usually think of the propellents from a spray can. That is not what is considered to be aerosols by scientists. These are what aerosols are - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerosol

Depending on the aerosol, it can have a cooling or a warming effect on the climate. Most have a cooling effect by their ability to block some of the sunlight and keeps it from reaching the surface of the planet. Similar to a large cloud moving overhead of you on a hot, summer day. You feel a brief cooling until the cloud passes over you because it is blocking some of the sun's energy before it can reach you..

Aerosols are a key element of meteorology and climate. To a large extent they determine the number of cloud droplets, rain drops, etc., since they are often nuclei on which such droplets form.

They may reflect sunlight back into space, cooling the Earth. This has happened after major volcanic eruptions that inject aerosols into the stratosphere. Man-made aerosols are also responsible for "global dimming" that may be partially masking the warming from greenhouse gases.

Aerosols may travel long distances. Saharan dust may have been partially responsible for the slow hurricane year in the Atlantic in 2013, and dust from the Gobi desert may influence rainfall over California a few days later.

Michael's answer is incoherent nonsense.

EDIT: Actually, it's more than just Michael's!

Aerosol is the one of combine of CFC gases ...

It cause damage of Ozon layer...

Well different aerosols react differently CFCs and HCFC are greenhouse gases and also thin the ozone layer


NO= Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelites ICE Accumulation 11/28/2012, All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness as it has been doing for a thousand years so the suns rays can warm earth while it rotates and plants can grow to give food and oxygen to all species. Mike

yes , it contain CFC gases...

it cause Green house effect,Global warming ....