> Has anyone noticed a definitive or almost definitive benefit with the present cycle of global warming?

Has anyone noticed a definitive or almost definitive benefit with the present cycle of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Everything is getting more to eat.

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

The world is becoming more green.

Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/07/08/de...

Tornadoes at record lows:

http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/20... and http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/i...

Hurricanes also low compared to the past:


Sea level rise is normal, virtually stable sea level conditions:


And I know of no catastrophic event during the last 30 years that could be empirically tied to so called man-made Global Warming.

Will we miss global warming when it's gone?


What a delicious grouping of answers!

We have parrots making home on a cell phone tower. I've been in this area for over 40 years. I started seeing and hearing them about 10 years back. But now to have a large nest only a quarter mile from home! This is like, "GGrreenn !!"

Well the recent slowdown in warming coincided with a deep global recession. Record warm year of 1998 was a good economic year, just after passage of a large cut in the capital gains tax.

Benefit to whom?

Seals might be getting more to eat. But you'd be slightly peeved by that if you were a fish ...

And 'growing seasons' might be longer. Unfortunately many crops need a cold winter to flourish. And in Northern Europe, winters are expected to be colder. Bad for cattle who spend a few extra weeks in sheds because they can't go out to graze. Hence millions were spent this year around Europe shifting hay from one country to the next to keep the livestock fed.

This sort of attempt to tabulate the pro versus con is always overly simplistic ...

I have but I'm a little undecided right at this point in time until I can decide.

More rain in the African Sahara desert causing it to shrink

There are longer growing seasons.

If you like warm, move to a warmer climate.


This is a definitive web site in watching everything outside of earth atmosphere.


I'm no real scientist with hard stats, but an observer with keen interest. Whales and seals seem to be getting more to eat, aren't they?