> Who put those trees under this receding glacier?

Who put those trees under this receding glacier?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is kind of funny that alarmists pretend that Alaska's water supply is threatened. What a joke. There is enough water in Alaska for the whole country if we could get it there. Clearly there were trees somewhere up above that glacier 1000 years ago. I don't know if they drifted down with the ice or were simply exposed by the retreating glacier back to a point where they grew a thousand years ago. I think the article didn't expect you to figure that out since it was obviously slanted toward alarmism.

Notice how stupid the alarmists are. I typically don't call stupid people stupid but they pretend they are smarter than the rest of us. Look at Someone has to be the rookie for example. He doesn't even understand that trees under the ice means it was likely warmer 1000 years ago. That guy is equally bright.

My wife and I landed a helicopter on the Tacu Glacier. Alaska is a vast place. For those who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it except it might be more reality than alarmists could take.

Is this a "God" question?

You do realize that this was regional warming and not global climate??? - I should clarify this. It was regional warming that allowed the trees to grow there in the first place.

It does not bother you that the glaciers in Alaska are melting at such a fast pace that now we see in the open what was once buried under ice for a 1,000 years? ... Have you given any thoughts towards trying a little critical thinking? Of course not. That is a silly question for me to even ask.

Yes it would be wonderful, however it's not going to happen soon, as we are in for a period of cooling for the next couple of decades.

Your short sightedness and insularity is pathetic

Wow, really...


Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Earth were heating up to the productive and comfortable temperatures from 1000 years ago?