> Global Warming?

Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The sun's rays shouldn't be blocked by CO2. It is the infrared rays traveling upwards from the heated ground that are believed to cause warming.

Most of the sea level rise in the last hundred years is due to the ocean growing warming which causes it to expand. Ice from the north pole won't significantly raise sea levels since it is mostly floating anyway. Ice from Antarctica doesn't seem to be melting much. We are slowly moving into the next ice age. We have generally gotten colder since about 6 to 8 thousand years ago in the Holocene Optimum but there have been minor warming and cooling episodes since then as well. We are currently in a warm one.

Dook claims human caused warming is a hundred times faster than natural warming. What a load of anti-science garbage and that is what we have grown to expect from him and he gets 3 thumbs up. Lynlions suggests that maybe a geology course would be helpful. As a geologist, I can certainly tell you geology would be helpful because we learn about the previous changes. In fact the last hundred years warmed about as much as the previous hundred. I know to science an math challenged people like Dook, that means it warmed a hundred times faster than before. In fact, the warming from our CO2 is hard to even distinguish next to the natural variation. That is the dirty little secret that alarmists don't want you to know because without it, they can't push their poltical agenda

Hey Dook has a very good answer.

However, to address your understanding of ice ages, have you ever seen a gyroscope?

Have you noticed how it wobbles?

Spinning objects are fairly, but not completely stable.

Ice ages are fairly well understood these days.

Ice ages occur in about 100,000 year cycles.

Changes in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit are the driving factor.

When the orbit is very eccentric, an ice age occurs.

When the orbit is more circular, we have an inter-glacial.

That's what's happening now.

It will be a few thousand years before we can expect natural causes to drive the climate toward cooling, and a new ice age.


In the graph, note how ice age cycles line up with eccentricity cycles.

Here's a more complete description of the cycles. However, keep in mind that the ice ages fairly accurately line up with the eccentricity cycles.


And a brief general synopsis.


There is also a problem with your understanding of CO2 and radiation.

Here's a description of the problem.

Visible light, and it's energy, get to earth without CO2 interference.

You know that the sun heats up the sidewalk and road all day.

The street then radiates that energy that's stored as heat.

You can feel that with your bare feet.

CO2 and water, H2O block some of that heat from being radiated away into space.

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... <== Note that CO2 intercepts a different wavelength than water. In addition, as CO2 warms the oceans, more water evaporates, increasing it's effectiveness.

http://www.school-for-champions.com/scie... <== melting of the Siberian tundra is a very serious problem.

http://fora.tv/2009/08/18/A_REALLY_Incon... <== This is an hour long, but is very good.

http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/fu... <== Very long, but excellent.

Last, you want to make sure that you take physics, chemistry, biology, and probably geology or a course that at least contains some of that, while you're in high school. (Also, as much math as you can manage.)

The sun's rays would fry the earth if it were not for all the gasses in the atmosphere and WATER which COOLS the earth, not warms it.

The poles will not melt.

The oceans will not rise.

The planet will not die.

Carbon is not a pollutant, it's an element.

All of this is made up in an attempt to get and keep getting a boatload of your money.

Go outside with a pen and paper and write down everything you can see, smell, and hear that global "warming" is doing.

Yeah. Meh, right?

Global Warming ended 11/28/2012. confirmed. Global Command

To Baccheus' response to Hey Dook's claim, 0.1C per century is an average rate of warming over 50 centuries, not the maximum rate of warming.

you have two things wrong. Ask your science teacher.

1. the ice from the poles will melt, therefore raising our sea level more than a couple of feet. >>> NO, that ice is floating on the arctic ocean. Just lice an ice cube melting in a glass does not raise the height of the water.

I have also come to known that the world will get colder, as the sun rays are being blocked with all the carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere>>NO, CO2 does not block the sun, it blocks the heat from the earth.

we're not likely to go into an ice age with the current concentration of CO2.

CO2 in the troposphere does not block incoming sunlight. It does however slow the escape of heat reflected off the earth's surface. That is why the effect is called the greenhouse effect: it does work exactly like a greenhouse but it has the common effect and causing warming.

The earth is not due for another ice age for more than 60,000 years. Ice ages are triggered by the cycles of the earth's tilt and orbit.

To Hey Dook's claim: coming out of the last glacial period the troposphere warmed roughly 5 to 6 degrees over 50 centuries, for a rate of about 0.1 degrees per century. Current warming (in the satellite period or since 1978) has been about 1.4 degrees per century. Current warming is 10x to 15x faster than when the earth changed out of the last glacial period. That's not 100x has he suggested but it is much faster than a natural rate of warming.

In fact the last hundred years warmed about as much as the previous hundred. I know to science an math challenged people like Dook

The second part of the question is backwards. Increased carbon dioxide in the air, from burning oil and coal, acts like an insulation blanket making the earth's average temperature WARMER, not colder. The third part of the question is half correct. The long term trend over thousands of years is towards another ice age (something like the 6th or 7th depending on how you count, not the "second"), but human-caused climate change is happening something like a hundred times FASTER than the slow cycle of ice ages and warm inter-age periods, each typically lasting tens of thousands of years and taking tens of thousands of years to make each to shift to or back from an ice-age. Saying that global warming is no problem because an ice age is coming and they will cancel each other out -which anti-science deniers here sometimes do- makes as much as sense as thinking that flooring the gas pedal and driving at 70 miles per hour towards a long stretch of huge potholes starting 1/4 to 1/2 a mile a way is no problem because the car will probably run out of gas in about 30 or 40 miles anyway.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”








LinLyons has a good point: As a teen the most important thing is to learn the science, including the underlying math and logic. In the meantime, however, if you want a quick rough answer, without more than a very basic understanding of the science, you can decide whether you'd rather believe (a) the hundreds of Nobel Prize winning scientists who are part of the world's top science academy (which I quote above) or (b) the likes of JimZ, a non-scientist who half-learned science decades ago in school before the scientific consensus regarding climate change emerged 20-30 years ago (and who thus assumes that anyone who knows something he doesn't understand is a Marxist). He is the leading science denier posting on this site. Some of what he is says is valid, but he has a deep anti-science grudge motivating his many comments here and that warps most of them. See the links below for more on the denial of science which JimZ subscribes to and where it comes from.

Slowly change of climate.

So I have understood that with Global Warming, the ice from the poles will melt, therefore raising our sea level more than a couple of feet. But I have also come to known that the world will get colder, as the sun rays are being blocked with all the carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere. It wouldn't make sense that the world's ice would melt if we're supposed to go into a second Ice Age. Please help me on this question, I'm only a curious 15 year old :) Thanks!

We have listed more than 10 ways to help the surroundings. We couldn't stop adding to the list. If you'd like, send us more ideas.

Bike, use riding on the bus, carpool to perform, generate more slowly, keep your wheels inflated

One-third of all traffic is individuals. Use alternative transport when possible. If you must generate, go more slowly with appropriate wheel rising prices. It helps you to preserve both fuel and wheels, and decreases contaminants. It also helps you to preserve lifestyles.

Reduce, Reuse, Reuse and Compost

Reusing appearance material helps you to preserve more power than recycling. By avoiding extra appearance, you preserve both power and dump space. Yard and kitchen waste (leaves/grass/vegetable scraps) are 30% of junk. Decrease this amount by garden rich compost. Also be sure to re-use plastic material side bags, or better yet... reject plastic material side bags when you really don't need them.

Conserve water

Don't let taps run. Never h2o your garden at noon. Place a stone in old bathrooms. Take low flow brief bathrooms. Run the dish washer only when it is full. Let garden grow more time. Place native or drought-tolerant garden plants.

Quit smoking

Second-hand smoke is a significant indoor air pollutant and threat to health. When you stop, both you and your family will lead more time and healthier lifestyles.

Don't use pesticides/herbicides on your lawn

Along with nitrogen manure run-off, these are significant h2o contaminants.

Keep your cat indoors

Domestic cats destroy over one billion dollars small parrots and animals every season (1 outside cat earnings 40 destroys per year). They disappointed organic predator/prey levels out and eliminate ground nesting parrots.

Eat less meat/eat more local and organic foods

Feedlots are a significant source of organic contamination. Tropical jungles are cut to increase beef.

Lower your temperature during the cold months season. Raise it in the summer

Wearing a jacket during the cold months season and brief fleshlight sleeves during summer time time season helps you to preserve power and reduces contamination.

Dispose of old colour, substances, and oil properly

Don't put battery power, antifreeze, colour, motor oil, or substances in the junk. Use appropriate toxics disposal sites. Never buy more than you need.

Consider the environmental costs of significant choices and purchases

When moving or changing jobs try to live close to perform. Compare efficiency when purchasing new cars or appliances. Buy fewer things. Choose products with reduced power information.

Volunteer/Lobby for the Environment

Work regionally and worldwide to preserve organic places, reduce urban crowds, reduced contamination and prevent the devastation of jungles areas for wood and oil.

Plant a tree with a child

Take a walk in the woods, or plant trees and shrubs which store CO2. Teaching our children to love and care for the planet is the most essential thing we can do to guarantee the future of mankind.

Wash dishes manually in a sink, and then use the dish h2o for outside landscapes.

climate change,,,,,,,,,,,