> Ecological footprints!?

Ecological footprints!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ecological footprint is a very broad category, but I wil talk about two issues:

1.) Garbage. There are a number of factors as to why it is very difficult for man to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.

a.) Packaging. This is mostly a cultural and economic issue. Our culture has moved from the farming type of markets in which you would just pick up food and other resources for convenience sake. It is much easier to go to your local grocery store and pick up a container of food, than the old markets of the past. Also the economics of packaging make it much cheaper to package. But there are health concerns as well. Clearly, packaged food lessens the ability of the food to be contaminated.

b.) Recycling. Currently, we can recycle cardboard, plastic, aluminum and glass, which makes up a majority of our less biodegradable waste. BUT, some of the packaging makes the separation of the materials more difficult, which is obviously economic concerns of the producer. Laso recycling currently costs more than not recycling in many cases, which is why it is not as prevalent as it could be. Further, there is the cultural thing about people throwing stuff away and not wanting to get their hands dirty with really recycling as much as possible.

c.) Throwing away instead of fixing. This is a combination of cultural and not having the time to fix and economic, in that fixing something is many time more costly than getting another.

2.) Energy consumption.

Clearly, most people ahve to use whatever form of power is provided by their local energy company. They can do reduction like turning off lights, but generally there is a limit to that as well. This is a combination of economics, culture and convenience.

Generally, much of our impact has to do with convenience and time. Now this could be considered cultural, in the fact that the US culture is more concerned about doing things quickly, but this is also difficult to place as a solely cultural thing. Clearly mankind has always been concerned about doing things more easily and quickly.

This is highbrow, terse, and scandal-angry interrogatives, just what parents say is rude in public.

You could just say" gas and teachers like you, because of carbon build-up on heaven's floor and the fact I threw away a rrheem of paper trying to get the first line of this answer to not sound like some protege of your scurrilous bombastic drill-sargeant for Greenpeace-training that I am fortunate to overbear with my goldilocks. The factors are public correctness that ought to be pulling not polling ,...heads out of rear ends in political arenas...so I guess the problem is ...medical. I asked a giraffe about the last part of the question and , for meaningful effect, this is the part where I'm supposed to to cap my horns and spit on you, but this is my ansswer and it is above the traffic zone even of giraffes."

If it is your homework, you should do it yourself. Don't ask others to do it for you. This will develop your brain matter, which will be very good ecologically speaking.

I don't believe society actually prevents the reduction of ypir environmental footprint

List and describe two (2) specific factors stemming from the structure of American society that limit your ability to reduce your ecological footprint. Are these factors physical, economic, cultural, or political? How might these factors be geographic in nature?

Its a homework question and I am having a hard time answering this. Any ideas?