> Does mobile phones contibute to global warming?

Does mobile phones contibute to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I see hank was helpful. He must be a relative newbie wannabe DA denier or an existing denier using another member ID.

You can talk and text all you want without putting a dent in GW increase

I don't think it is the mobile phones itself the scientists are talking about, but ALL the equipments that support the mobile phone networks. I don't have the figures, but you might want to ask one of the mobile phone company if they could let you visit one of their hundreds and thousands (in China) of cellsites. You would then understand what they are talking about. And that is only cellsite. Of course you also have the telecom switches, the huge antenna, the satellites, and the air-conditioning to keep the places cool, and other communications equipments. Not to mention the buildings and offices that are work places for the army of engineers and support staff.

Air-conditioning -- in the tropics, one of the great producers of heat into the atmosphere is the airconditions. As we might know, air-conditioners work in the reverse logic of a refrigerator -- take in cold air and expell hot air. So ... the more cell-sites and switching centers, the more air-conditioning is needed, the more hot-air into the atmosphere.

And we are not even talking about the electricity/energy yet to run these places.

NOT so far-fetched theory. Compare to landline, mobile phone is one giant hot-air producer. The find out the root-caused, we need to look further than just the obvious.

If you believe in global warming, then yes. It takes energy to make the phone and energy to run the towers and system.

Well, no...considering GW is essentially a myth...like the Good Tooth Fairy...and Jack and the Beanstalk.

I think Hank's answer was helpful, truthful, and straight to the point. I was going to answer similarly until I saw someone already had.

Global Warming is not real.