> What is the cloud seeding? why it should be done?

What is the cloud seeding? why it should be done?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is done to fill reservoirs. Money you know. Make sure enough water for???? Crops, people, like that. One reason anyway. Should it be done? Good question. I think if people thimk it helps its gonna be done just as a cheap use of technology just cuz why not. Does it cause one place more rain and one less? Don't know maybe, maybe not.

The only time I ever heard of CLOUD SEEDING was to spread a Chemical into certain clouds to make it rain in a certain area.

It has long been known that moisture can collect on particles of dust. This is nature's way of raining where it is most needed. Cloud seeding is just helping out. The known chemicals used are not harmful.


We are experiencing to much heat temperature in our area. very unusual comparing to the last Summer Time. Is it effective to inject or do the cloud seeding. to at least deplete those clouds and burst for a cool raindrops. and to experience, the fresh and cool air. Some plants animals are more affected or dehydrated. including humans suffering from to much heat temperature are more prone to suffer from heat stroke.