> Does global warming bother you?

Does global warming bother you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Your passion is great, and your concerns will help contribute to a better world for you and your friends and family. Do not get all melodramatic about it though. People have believed that the world was at a breaking point since biblical times. It is not. Actually, humanity is experiencing the greatest level of peace, health and prosperity in all of history. That does not mean that there are not huge problems (climate change and the Middle East among them) for you and your generation to work on.

You saw coral reefs dying from warm ocean water? Now who TOLD you that was the reason? Yes the global warming hoax does both me. It bothers me greatly.

Didn't it give you one iota of doubt when the hoaxsters claimed that 98% of scientists believe that man has caused global warming and if you don't agree you must believe the Earth is flat? That didn't make you suspicious?

Scientists all over the world have stepped forward to denounce the fraud, and they get one day's press while the nonsense continues 24/7 in the mainstream media. Now let's try analyzing. Who says mankind is responsible? 1) Politicians; 2) Mainstream media; 3) Scientists who are beholding to government for their daily bread.

Check the link below to see what the majority of scientists believe. The heading "31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs" Read the articles and learn. Stop being a follower and start thinking for yourself. Do some research.

Here's one fact that is easy enough to check. The global warming trend ENDED in 1998. Most interesting because the hoax started way back in 1985 when :scientists" said we would start seeing glaring changes to the world within 15 years. 15 years from 1985! Do the math.


I share your frustration at the clueless foreign policies in the current US regime that has largely caused much upheaval across the world.

Corals are well adapted to changing temperatures. You believe that ocean temperature has changed significantly and you believe anecdotal evidence that you have witnessed yourself but I think you are mistaken. I think you just don't understand how much corals need to adapt to varying conditions.

Corals live in a symbiosis with their algae. Most of the food they get is from their algae. Their algae are referred to as zooanthalae. When the water becomes too warm, for example, the corals expel their zooanthalae and aquire new ones that are more adapted for the warmer waters. Corals begin their life as microscopic plankton. If they land deeper in the water, they will need a particular algae as their symbiont. Corals are highly adaptable and have lived through many periods of change that are much greater than the little change you are referring to.

If you saw coral bleaching, you simply witnessed the corals demonstrating their natural ability to adapt to new conditions. They always have to adapt to new conditions because the ocean changes all the time and they did long before humans began emitting CO2.

All these answers are pretty much garbage.

Yes it's warming.

1998 is no longer the warmest year, despite the made up graph.

The oceans are getting warmer.

You're right, coral is having trouble in some places, sometimes because of temperature, sometimes because of ocean acidification.

You're also right that there are more cars on the road.

I'm always amazed at the "it's all environmentalists" that complain about global warming.

Well, DUH, they're the ones who care about the planet.

As opposed to the "Dump the used motor oil out behind your house" greedy creeps.

No, because it ended in 11/28/2012 confirmed and today 7/31/2014 Ice is still accumulating on earth. Mike

Since this is more or less a myth...no, not particularly. I AM disturbed by the endless wars we stupidly procecure around the world (largely over fossil fuel and other natural resources). Time to push for alternative fuels and engines...and dump the politicians in Washington..both Demos and Repubs.

Let's look at some evidence. The graph below shows one of the temperature datasets for the last 17 years.

This lady talks about past weather:

First, it should be called global climate change.

Second, this theory receives almost all of its support from environmentalists. They ignore that fact that the trends we are seeing may very well be natural changes in the Earth -- Consider the Ice Ages. In fact, scientists have proven that there were times in the past when the ice caps had receded substantially.

In the case of CFCs damaging the ozone, there was solid evidence as proof. Global climate change lacks such evidence and is instead based on much speculation.



Global warming has really been bothering me lately. The weather has clearly changed, I can see it myself. The coral reefs are dying from warm ocean water (saw that myself) and overall I have a feeling of helplessness. I drive to school and see thousands of cars passing at all times, 24/7 all across the world. It just seems like nobody cares. Plus all the conflict in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, isreal, Palestine, Egypt etc. I feel like the world is at a breaking point and nothing is being done.
