> Do you think so-called "global warming" is the biggest threat to man since the Y2K bug?

Do you think so-called "global warming" is the biggest threat to man since the Y2K bug?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is a serious threat to developed nations. If the bleeding hearts have their way, coal and petrolium will be taxed to death. Our economies will collapse soon after. Then we will all be learning Chinese- or Russian, or Arabic.

Yup! And Y2K was a fizzle. So as Y2K was an idle threat, GW is even a bigger idle threat.

Not a bad analogy. I suppose a few entrepreneurs made money off Y2K but they were amateurs compared to the AGW fraudsters.

I think the Kardashians are the biggest threat to date .

Y2K and global warming are the same , nothing hapened

Yeah it is about the biggest threat and similar to Y2K.

Y3K was never a threat to human beings. Computer ROMs earlier had only two digits store the year in date format. The ROMs were modified to store 4 of the year. This was never a bug.

It's right up there with the ice age we were supposed to be experiencing in the 70's.

Not at all. AGW scare-mongering is going to siphon far more money out of the economy than the Y2Kers could have imagined in the wettest of dreams. They are talking multi-trillion dollar "solutions" with large scale gov't intervention.

No. Ignorance has always been our greatest threat.

no its all bs