> Do you think Al Gore is jealous now that the Pope has taken over as the High Priest of Climate Change?

Do you think Al Gore is jealous now that the Pope has taken over as the High Priest of Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This just goes to show that even the Pope can be propagandized. At least I don't think the Pope is getting a 'cut' of the action like Al Gore is.


Al Gore has made lots of money, and his opportunities seem to be shrinking. I think he would be happy to have the Pope try and expand his potential customer base.

Whatever else one thinks of him (or of the Catholic Church, or Christianity, or organized religion in general), the current Pope is not a fake Christian. His copy of the Bible does not include Jesus giving sermons on the Mount, saying "blessed are those who bear false witness against scientists."

Climate skeptics love to focus on non-scientists, like wolves attacking the runt of the litter

