> Do you believe the Ebola outbreak was caused by global warming?

Do you believe the Ebola outbreak was caused by global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Or do you just think global warming made the pandemic worse? Do you think we could find a cure if we reduce co2 output?

In a word......NO!

But.....I do believe that global warming is the reason for my never having winning lottery numbers!

Ebola has been around for centuries, like Malaria, it's not a climate issue, it's a contact issue. We've had malaria outbreaks as far north as Alaska.

I have not heard any convincing theory as to how global warming could cause the Ebola outbreak.

Letting scientists do their jobs will help to find a cure.

I am not sure what the correlation is between CO2 and ebola so no reducing emissions is not going to cure ebola.

Ebola is passed through direct contact. Climate change has little to do with it.

No link at all.

Ebola outbreaks have become more likely a result of destabilizing globalization.

And destabilizing globalization is a contributor to global warming.

But global warming itself has little impact on Ebola. By weakening the economy of African countries, global warming makes it slightly harder for them to marshal resources against the epidemic, but the lack of resources, and preparedness would be severe either way.




Or do you just think global warming made the pandemic worse? Do you think we could find a cure if we reduce co2 output?

cause it, no. make it worse, yes.

No, No.