> Do most global warmer believers get their entire knowledge source from wiki and you-tube?

Do most global warmer believers get their entire knowledge source from wiki and you-tube?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Others get theirs from Science Magazines like Huff post,

Daily Kos and the Rolling Stone . Or Comedy shows like Democracy Now or Ted Talks

The Reptilians in the Hollow Moon, who thought up so-called global warming, in a sinister final bid for final global hegemony, who control scientists around the world by 4th dimensional holography, the government officials who conspire with those scientists, the newspapers hired by this century-along interstellar conspiracy, and the tree-hugging generals running the Pentagon, and the commie leftist CEOs of major multinational corporations who accept this science, also run Wikipedia and Youtube.

This evil scheme is so very ALARMING, and the only hope against it is if True Scientists post at least 10 questions recycled from ClimateDepot or Wattsup here at YA Global Warming per day. If they can just do that and all clap their hands, then Tinker Bell might get better, Peter Pan can vanquish Hook, and Sauron Voldemort Gore will fly off in his UFO-Time Machine with the Reptilians to Darth Vader's Death Star, and try their Carbon Tax World Domination of Precious Bodily Fluids on some other planet far far away, and long long ago.

Yes. I heard that Wikipedia is giving out degrees to low IQ'ed people who favor AGW. And they are automatically enrolled in the Communist Party.

I very much doubt it, most global warming believers get their knowledge from television and don't have sufficient intelligence to even think of checking anywhere on the net, they just swallow what the media tells them.

Most "warmers" know science. We are not just the flip side of global warming deniers. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


Are you in some kind of competition for the Guinness World Record in stupidity or are you on a Mission from God to wipe Trolls and from the face of the earth using nuclear stupidity against their conventional stupidity?

I get my climate change information from Google Scholar.

not likely but you can trace deniers to wuwt and fox news

No. is that too scientific for you?

So many times the replies I get from the believers source wiki or you tube, with the statements that here's something on the internet that says so-called "global warming" is true, so it must be true to them. Does wiki or youtube make up the bulk of education for the believers?