> Do End Times believers and Climate Change believers care about history?

Do End Times believers and Climate Change believers care about history?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It worries me how people can latch onto an idea spread by others, and refuse to budge no matter how great the evidence against it.

It shows how vulnerable we are to propaganda.

It is easy enough for too many people unfortunately to fall into eschatology by witnessing or knowing about what are called catastrophes.

Storms, flooding and Black Death are natural phenomena. They are no catastrophes, once you think deeply enough about them.

Climate change is all too natural, too. Workings of the climate is never the same. The earth cools and warms. Once it was a ball of magma ocean on its surface during the period of heavy bombardment about 4 billion years ago, it has experienced at least once a snowball earth about 6 hundred million years ago.

Famines are largely induced by politics. So, that is at least in part caused by humans. Pogroms by Stalin and Hitler, Milosevic and Mao, Pol Pot and others are human atrocities as well. Same with the Inquisition and numerous other religious atrocities.

After all, what are ostensibly catastrophes and calamities are not what we think they are.

They either just happen, or humans are just this sort of brutal and violent species.

Yes, things were bad enough before. They are certainly bad enough now.

They will always be bad.

*corrected the figure from 6 million ya to 6 hundred million ya on the snowball earth remark.

Yes I agree. Things are really bad now! But it has nothing to do with the climate and has more to do with politics.

Climate Change believers cannot remember back to 1970.

Life magazine of January 3, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

When I first cited this over a year ago I was called a liar by the saviors of the Earth. To a true scientist, history goes back to as far as documentation can substantiate it. To a Savior of the Earth, history starts yesterday.

As far as 'Superstorm Sandy' it was super in only hype and in ineptness on the part of our governments. It was a wimp of a storm that was the weakest form of a hurricane the second it hit the coastline. Two minutes later it was reduced to a tropical storm.

Hype! Hype! Hype! Didn't Al Gore say it would be all over if we didn't do something by 2007? (I wonder how much money he made out of that.)

It is a sad fact that too many people are gullible to group think. All you have to do is say scientists believe this or believe that and alarmists will get in line. I have met a huge number of people that things things are worse now than ever when in fact, close to the opposite is true. There is a mentality that sees the glass as half empty, that we are running out of time. Alarmists are the exact same people who believe what Ehlich said, that we are running out of resources, food, etc. The ignore the history of resources that shows them growing exponentially over time. They also ignore the science that doesn't fit their world view as they ignore the wide swings in the climate history. Clearly they choose to ignore history, both human and natural. You might call them history deniers.

"The virgins are all trimming their wicks" Johnny Cash

"He's coming back just like He said He would" Rev. Al Green

Just because Jesus didn't come back during other hardships where large masses of people were killed in climatic events and wars doesn't mean He will not come back.

Here's a short list of facts to consider:

1. World elite have said they plan to mark the entire world population by 2017. (soiurce Bilderberg 2008 meeting) This group is comprised of presidents, prime ministers, senators, congressmen, kings, queens, world bankers, world business elite, energy power players, super rich etc.

2. In order to bring the world to its knees to accept Satan, people have to be made ready. After all, the events prophesied in the Bible lead me to believe the Anti-Christ will turn the world into a huge concentration camp, with all the inmates numbered. Nobody will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast and worshiping him. Small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, all will be required to take the mark.

3. Governments have had the ability to affect the weather and steer storm systems for decades now. Even some middle eastern countries are announcing they will do it. Weather experts have mildly alerted the public about it but realize if they say too much they will be hushed up.

4. The Bible prophecies are all pointing to Christs return in the near future.. Jesus said we would know when it is close (if we are looking) even at the door. The world technology, transportation and police state are now in place to make the events prophesied in the Bible occur.

Whether you believe the Bible prophecies or not I'll let you know that The Rapture occurs, per scripture sometime before the anti-Christ starts beheading people for refusing the 666 mark and refusing to worship him as god.

Your question, isn't directly aimed at a religious aspect but I will leave you with some information on who Jesus is and what He's done for us.


God is 3 personages, Jesus is God Himself; God the Son, & took on humanity, coming as a man to save us. Satan orchestrated a contract with sin with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Since that time, sin passes through man, therefore, Jesus was born of a virgin in order to save us of our sins & get us out of the contract. God worked out legal grounds, through Abraham, in order to save us & pour the sins of humanity on to Jesus on the Cross. Roughly 2000 years after Abraham was asked to kill / sacrifice his son, God sent His Son, on the same spot, to pay the price for us. A man (Adam) put us in sin, a man (Jesus) gets us out of the contract

Jesus is God Himself, Jehovah, YHWH, The Creator, fully Deity & fully man. Who came to die for our sins in our place so we would not have to go to hell for our sins. He provides eternal life with Him in heaven for all that believe on Him. Romans 10:9-13 explains how to go to heaven.

I love the notion brought up by antarticice that deniers started the bad weather is being caused by AGW scare and Hitler didn't hate jews he only wanted to purify our species.

Gary - don't feel bad I've i've never met one of these mythical warmons antarticice has told tales of either, you know the ones who can tell the difference between AGW bad weather and natural bad weather.

We have to find the guy who started this bad weather caused by AGW myth, he's super good at getting a message out.

Yawn, the endless attempts of deniers to link AGW to some sort or religious themes (and the usual obligatory mention of Hitler) quite revealing about their motives, AGW remains science based on evidence and that evidence is now pretty clear, sea level is rising, glacial ice is melting, global temperature has risen.

Of course as our asker here knows scientists have said repeatedly that weather events can't yet be linked to AGW, scientists have been saying that since before hurricane Katrina, but still deniers peddle this myth and reference imaginary alarmists (as no need to provide any evidence, and evidence is something denier have a distinct lack of as they peddle their various conspiracies and theories, but getting a denier to comment on the multitude of theories they have created is next to impossible.

As to weather, the supposed aim of this question (apart from the snide fiction), I wonder why it is then that most of the references I see to weather here are in fact from deniers getting their knickers in a twist when it snows in their regions in Winter, the ones who are confused about weather are sadly all to obvious.

Then of course we have the denier favorite "we have been cooling for 15 years" which does it's best to ignore a number of facts, we have had the two warmest years in the modern record in the last 8 years, one of those just 2 and a half years ago and even the cooler years we have now are warmer than the warmest years on record before 1998, but again deniers will not address this point either, as they know it shows what nonsense they are trying to spread.


I find this one particularly funny coming from a denier

"Is it just natural to forget about what happened in the past?"

Given their/your ability to completely forget the theory you where pushing yesterday, for the one you are pushing today to the inevitable one you will be pushing tomorrow.

Theories that have lurched from trying to blame volcanoes, clouds, the Sun, cosmic rays to conspiracies that have tried randomly to blame government, scientists, various billionaires, the club of Rome, The UN, greens, communists and of course Al Gore. Viewed as a whole they reveal the absurd nature of denial.

As always take a science class and stop talking rot.

How does someone meet 1 or 2 End Timers every month? I've never met one in my whole life.

I've never met an alarmist either.

On the other hand, we know that Deniers and End Timers reject both science and history.

when you've a political agenda to follow nothing else matters.

I always meet one or two people every month or so that believe that we are in End Times and that the rapture is just around the corner. They always point out to all the conflicts and hardship happening in the world as proof. I remind them that there is always conflict somewhere in the world. Stalin wiped out millions, there were two world wars, Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews, hundreds of thousands were killed in the Inquisition and the Black Death killed hundreds of millions in the 1300's. Most of them usually respond with something like "Yes, but things are REALLY bad now."

I've noticed the same with Climate Change alarmists I talk with. To prove to me that Climate Change is occurring they will point to superstorm Sandy, a famine in Africa, a flood in China or some other catastrophe happening in the world. When I tell them that there is always strange weather somewhere in the world and that natural disasters have occurred throughout history they go "Yes, but things are REALLY bad now."

Is it just natural to forget about what happened in the past?