> Do you worry about your ecological footprint?

Do you worry about your ecological footprint?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I tend to have more nightmares about zombies than eco crap,

Your *individual* contributions don't matter that much. But, collectively, people can have *huge* effects on the environment, if for no other reason than because there are something like 7-8 billion of us.

Personally, I make an effort to keep my ecological footprint small. I take reasonably short showers, turn off the water when I don't need to use it, capture water when I'm running it to get hot water and use that water on plants, recycle, buy LED light bulbs, and so on. This is kinder on the environment, *and* saves me money.

It's called enlightened self interest. You should try it some time.

I do care about my ecological footprint and although I sometimes leave my computer on when I'm doing something else at home (turned off when I leave), I actually don't do any of the things you listed. I'm very conscience about it and I even bike/walk to places that are close enough. I'm not going to stop and add to the problem just because of careless people like you.

If ecological footprints were really dangerous, I would worry more about Al Gore's and Barrack Obama's. They are astronomical next to mine. and there are a lot elites just like them.

No I don't worry about my footprint. However I DO NOT have enough money to waste. I will conserve because I beleive it is the right thing to do and it saves me money.

Yet another sucker falls for our evil plan to tax the west to its knees. Thank you for your voluntary contribution to the new world order.

You must have money to spare, or someone stupid enough to pay for you.

I don't worry about my ecological footprint. I waste water by leaving it run while shaving, brushing my teeth, washing dishes, and by taking really long showers. I waste electricity by leaving my lights, tv, radio, and computer on 24 hours a day. I never recyle. I litter too. I just don't? think that people can affect something as big as the environment.